The Reichenbach Fall- One

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Chapter One

Third POV

In an art gallery, the Director of the said place is finishing his speech as he stands near a painting. "Falls of the Reichenbach, Turner's masterpiece, thankfully recovered owing to the prodigious talent of Mr. Sherlock Holmes & Lady Michelle Phillips." The crowd whoops out with applause. Sherlock, John and Michelle are standing nearby. The Director gives a small gift-wrapped box to Sherlock. "A small token of our gratitude."

"Silver plated necklace and Diamond cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons." Sherlock deadpanned. "He means thank you."

"Do I?" He retaliates. "Just say it." Michelle breaths out. "Thank you." He states. He starts to walk away but she only clasps his hand a little tighter. Sherlock unwillingly stops and the press start taking photographs...

Later, one of the photographs appears in a newspaper article headed 'Hero of the Reichenbach'. The strap-lines read: 'Turner masterpiece recovered by 'amateurs.'

'Scotland Yard embarrassed by overlooked clues'. The text of the article reads: 'A Turner masterpiece worth £1.7million that was stolen from an auction house ten days ago has been recovered by an amateur detective from North London. Sherlock Holmes and Lady Phillips of Baker Street have been investigating the art crime simply as a hobby, and yet they are able to follow the trail that lead them to the famous work – a trail that Scotland Yard missed completely. Sherlock Holmes has gained cult followings, following the publication of his website – The Science Of Deduction.'

A new newspaper article reads 'Top Banker Kidnapped' and the text reads: 'Sherlock Holmes & Lady Phillips, last night being hailed as both hero's yet again for masterminding the daring escape of the kidnapped man. Scotland Yard had to secretly bring in their special weapon yet again. The case has drawn a huge amount of attention as the nation became divided about the outcome of the kidnapping. Bankers are certainly not the nations sweethearts any more, but Mr. Holmes & Lady Phillips certainly seem to be.'

Outside the banker's house, the rescued man is standing with his arms around his wife and young son and the press film and photograph them while Sherlock, John and Michelle stand uncomfortably nearby. "Back together with my family after my terrifying ordeal; We have two people to thank for my deliverance... Sherlock Holmes and Lady Phillips." As the public applaud, the boy smiles and offers two small gift-wrapped box's to Sherlock and Michelle. He takes it and rattles it briefly. "Tie pin. I don't wear ties."

"Shh. At least Michelle doesn't ruin it." John grumbled out...

A photograph of the scene appears in the next edition of the newspaper, headed 'Reichenbach hero finds kidnap victim.' D.I. Greg Lestrade addresses a press conference. Sherlock, John and Michelle stand nearby, once more and D.S. Sally Donovan and Anderson are at the back of the room. "Peter Ricoletti: number one on Interpol's Most Wanted list since 1982. But we got him; And there's two people we have to thank for giving us the decisive leads... With all his customary diplomacy and tacts, and her mystery and intellect." Sherlock smiles insincerely towards Greg while John leans closer to Sherlock and speaks quietly. "Sarcasm."

"Yes." Michelle clips for Sherlock. As the press applaud, Lestrade walks over to and gives Sherlock and Michelle gift-wrapped packages, smiling cheerfully. "We all chipped in." As Sherlock tears open the wrapping paper, Sally and Anderson grin expectantly. He pulls out a deerstalker hat. "You do yours." Lestrade said pointedly to Michelle. She carefully un-wraps the package only to reveal another deerstalker but this one was a pale purple colour. Michelle's eyes widened with discretion.

"Put the hats on!"

"Yeah, Sherlock, Michelle, put them on!" Lestrade eggs on. Sherlock turns to look at the reporters as if he'd like to kill them. Michelle just stood frozen on the spot. John clears his throat uncomfortably, whispering a 'Vatican Cameos' to Michelle. "Just get it over with." He mumbles, quietly. Sherlock shoves the wrapping paper into John's hands, whilst Michelle placed the hat delicately on her head. Sherlock shoved the hat on unhappily. Flashbulbs go mad and everyone applauds. At the back of the room, Sally claps with sarcastic delight while Anderson, the douche, grins smugly. Michelle stares on at them, they both down turn their smiles. Sherlock smiles at the press through gritted teeth and glances at Greg as if promising him a world of pain later.

Some time later, the 'Daily Star' prints a World Exclusive on its front page: 'Boffin Sherlock & Lady Phillips solve another' with the strapline: 'Hero's cracks 'unsolvable' case'.

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