The Sign Of Three- Seven

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Chapter Seven

"If you could all just cheer up a bit, that would..." We all share in a hearty laugh. "Be better. On we go. So, for funny stories one has to look no further than John's blog." Sherlock holds out his phones whilst John huffs. "The record of our time together. Of course, he does tend to romanticise things a bit, but then, you know... He's a romantic. We've tackled some strange cases: the Hollow Client... The Poison Giant...We've had some frustrating cases..." Sherlock rolls his eyes. "'Touching' cases... And of course I have to mention the elephant in the room. But we want something... Very particular for this special day, don't we? The Bloody Guardsman."

I sit up straighter in my seat.


Sherlock stood looking at the wall above the sofa. He turns to where Mary sits with me sat on the floor beside her. "Need to work on your half of the church, Mary. Looking a bit thin."

"Ah, orphan's lot. Friends, that's all I have. Lots of friends."

"Schedule the organ music to begin at precisely 11.48."

"But the rehearsal's not for another two weeks. Just calm down."

"Calm? I am calm. I'm extremely calm."

"Let's get back to the reception, come on." I call to them whilst standing up. "John's cousin. Top table?"

"Hates you. Can't even bear to think about you." I mumbled. "Seriously?"

"Second class post, cheap card bought at a petrol station. Look at the stamp: three attempts at licking. She's obviously unconsciously retaining saliva." Sherlock spit fired. "Let's stick her by the bogs."

"Oh yes." Sherlock sits down, pulling me to him. Mary leans closer. "Who else hates me?" Instantly, Sherlock and I hand over our sheets of papers. "Oh great, thanks."

"Priceless painting nicked. Looks interesting."

"Table four?"


"My husband is three people."

"Table five."

"Major James Sholto. Who he?" My head shot up. "Oh, John's old commanding officer, he was also under Michelle's rank. I don't think he's coming."

"He'll be there." John and I chime. "Well, he needs to RSVP, then."

"He'll be there." John pressed firmly. "'My husband is three people.' It's interesting. Says he has three distinct patterns of moles on his skin."

"Identical triplets, one in half a million births. Solved it without leaving the flat. Now, serviettes. Swan, or Sydney Opera House?"

"Where'd you learn to do that?!"

"Many unexpected skills required in the field of criminal investigation..."

"Fibbing, Sherlock."

"I once broke an alibi by demonstrating the exact severity of..."

"Darling, we're not John. We can tell when you're fibbing." I gesture between myself and Mary. "Okay. I learned it on YouTube."

"Opera House, please. Ooh, hang on. I'm buzzing. Hello? Oh, hi, Beth!" Mary spares me a glance. I get the idea. "Actually, if that's Beth, it's probably for me too. Hang on." John follows Mary to the kitchen.

"Sherlock?" He hums. "Take a case."

"I can't." He sat on the floor and started folding serviettes. "You can, take John for a run? Your cases are stacking up. If you don't take them, I'll let Bones solve them" He pauses his folding, smiling briefly before continuing.

"That just sort of... Happened."  John came through whilst Sherlock gestured to the serviettes on the floor. "Sherlock, um mate..." Sherlock stands to attention. "I've... I've smelled eighteen different perfumes; I've sampled... Nine different slices of cake which all tasted identical; I like the bridesmaids in purple..."

"Lilac." Sherlock corrected. "Lilac. Um, there are no more decisions left to make. I don't even understand the decisions that we have made. I'm faking opinions and it's exhausting, so please, before she comes back..." Scrolling through his phone, he ended us shoving the phone into Sherlock's hands, almost pleadingly. "Pick one. Anything. Pick one."

"Pick what?"

"A case. Your Inbox is bursting. Just... get me out of here." John literally begs. I laugh. "You want to go out on a case? Now?"

"Please, Sherlock, for me."

"Don't you worry about a thing. I'll get you out of this." Sherlock stated almost protectingly. I smile. Sherlock reads through them, finally picking one. "All the nice girls like a soldier."

"It's 'sailor', Sherlock." I corrected. "And Bainbridge thinks his stalker is a bloke. Let's go and investigate. Please?"

"Elite Guard." Sherlock reads. "Forty enlisted men and officers." I stated. "Why this particular Grenadier? Curious."

"Now you're talking." John was bouncing. "Okay." They stand towards the doors just as Mary starts walking through. "Er, we're just going to... I need, um, Sherlock to help me choose some, er, socks."


"Why don't we go with socks?" Mary stated, I agreed. "I mean, you've got to get the right ones." I gesture. "Exactly, to go with my..."


"That'll take a while, right?" John points to the kitchen. "My coat in there?" He walks to the kitchen, whilst Sherlock walks to the hallway. "Just going to take him out for a bit, run him."

"I know."

"Come on, Sherlock." John calls. "Coming.He turns and goes to the living room door, then turns back to face Mary and I. Unseen by each other, Sherlock does a double thumbs-up at us and gives us a "only you and I know about what we're doing here" grin, while from the kitchen John circles his thumb and forefinger at us and winks much the same message. We hold up our thumbs to both of them and grin widely. The boys both turn and head for the stairs. "Well that worked out."

"Indeed." I was bouncing on my heels. "Go on, I know you want to." Mary gestures to the door. I hug her briefly. "Thanks Mary." Grabbing my coat, I run out the room, sliding down the banister. Jumping down, Sherlock and John stare at me. "What?" John shakes his head whilst Sherlock laughs. Walking out the door, I raise my gloved hand up. "Taxi!"

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