The Final Problem- Finale

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Okay so this is it!

I can't believe it!

This is the last of: Sherlock - The Game Is On!

I was thinking... Would you all like some character requests if I publish an add along to this?

I still have a lot I want to add but unfortunately can't. So please message me either privately or on my billboard if you would like to see Michelle and Sherlock's adventures...

Without further ado... I give you chiefs kiss...

Chapter Twenty Four

"Alive?! For all these years?" Mummy Holmes was furious. We were all sat in Mycroft's Diogenes office. Mycroft sits behind his desk and his father is sitting on a chair on the other side while Mrs Holmes stands at the other end of the desk staring in shock at her oldest son. Sherlock stands behind my chair at the far end of the room leaning against the closed office door with his arms folded and his head lowered. "How is that even possible?!"

"What Uncle Rudy began..." He hesitates slightly, his eyes lowered. "I thought it best to continue."

"I'm not asking how you did it, idiot boy, I'm asking how could you?"

"I was trying to be kind." He raises his eyes to hers at the end of his sentence. "Kind?!" She gasps in a pained breath. "Kind?" She becomes tearful as she continues: "You told us that our daughter was dead."

"Better that than tell you what she had become. I'm sorry." Siger takes a stand and leans on the table. "Whatever she became, whatever she is now, Mycroft... She remains our daughter."

"And my sister."

"Then you should have done better."

"He did his best." Sherlock and I muttered, defending him. Mummy Holmes turns to face us. "Then he's very limited." Mycroft looks between I and Sherlock. "Where is she?"

"Back in Sherrinford; Secure, this time." I sigh out heavily. "People have died. Without doubt she will kill again if she has the opportunity. There's no possibility she'll ever be able to leave."

"When can we see her?"

"There's no point."

"How dare you say that?"

"She won't talk. She won't communicate with anyone in any way. She has passed beyond our view. There are no words that can reach her now."

"Perhaps beyond your view, yes..." I state. Everyone's gaze snaps to mine. "But in comparison to mine... I think there is a way to reach out to her..." I look to Mycroft. "If you'll allow me, of course."


I walk into Sherrinford, swiping my pass Eurus's cell opens. She sits on her bed, facing away. Unclasping my hands from behind my back, I turn on the screen which is newly added to her room.

We finally put my brother to rest and I recorded the ceremony with an idea in mind, that I needed Eurus to confirm...

I watched Eurus as she watched the screen. I noted the expressions she used. The slight tremble of her hand but most of all I noticed the guilt.

Switching the screen off, I clear my throat. "I forgive you." I spoke. She turns around and slowly walks forward to the glass panel. She tilts her head. Taking a few steps forward, I come to stand face to face with her. "Why?" She questioned monotonously. "I understand better than anyone, to know what you're struggling with. A few moments ago I showed you my brother being put to rest, I recorded the ceremony with an idea in mind that you've just confirmed. You're guilty. From the tremble in your hands to the twitching of your eye. Correct?"

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