The Great Game- Finale

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Chapter Nine

Third POV

Sherlock and John spent the remainder of the day solving a few cold cases. The pink iPhone remained silent to Sherlock's sadness...

John had the laptop on his knee whilst sherlock sat, feet digging into his chair, wrapped in his coat shouting at the TV. "Of course he's not the child's father! Look at the turn-ups of his jeans!"

"I knew it was dangerous."


"Getting you into trashy TV."

"Not a patch on Connie Prince?" Sherlock asked over to John. "I'm still waiting."

"For what?"

"For you to admit that a little knowledge about the solar system and you'd have cleared up the fake painting a lot quicker."

"Yes well, it wasn't my turn to. Michelle and I received a message stating it was her turn to."

"Well it's a good job we have Michelle, Where is she anyways?"

"Mycroft has a meeting with her, at least that's what she messaged me."

"Ok, I won't be in for tea. I'm going to Sarah's. There's some of that risotto left in the fridge. Oh and we need milk."

"I'll get some."


"Really." John beams a smile. "And some beans. We need beans." Sherlock nods, John leaves. Sherlock waits a moment then rushes to the laptop. Quickly calls up his website. Taps manically on the keyboard:

"Found. The Bruce-Partington plans. Please collect."
"The pool. Midnight."

I woke up in a box room. Then it clicked. This is the final pip. I was chained up for half the day until someone came in. "Try anything funny I will shoot you." Not long after John came through. I waited until they locked us in again before I scrambled towards John. "John? Are you alright."

"Michelle what are you doing here?"

"Someone attacked me when I left the station this morning." At that moment someone came in again and separated John and I. Placing bomb jackets on us and earpieces...

The Pool Room - Night

A shadowy corridor. Sherlock walks slowly down it. Taking the memory stick away from his pocket he enters the room.

The pool room. A railed-gallery looks down onto a long, competitive swimming pool, ringer by old fashioned changing rooms. Very low light. The water throws jagged shapes over the walls. Sherlock's eyes dart around the huge, shadowy pool. No sign of life. Just the soft slap of water. "Little getting-to-know-you present. It's what the whole thing's been for, isn't it? All your little puzzles. Making me dance. All meant to distract me from this."

Distantly, another door opens and then bangs shut. Sherlock whirls around. His expression is set, determined. Sherlock peers ahead. "Evening. This is a turn up, isn't it, Sherlock?" John makes it noticeable but he blinks through his eyelids morse code 'SOS'. (If you look closely in the series it is noticeable.) "John? What the hell?"

"Bet you never saw this coming." John comes closer. He's ashen-faced, wearing a big, bulky overcoat. Then Sherlock sees it! A tiny, red laser light dancing over John's bulky coat. He also had a ear-piece. He's saying what's being fed to him. He's scared. "What would you like me to make him say next?" Sweat was trickling down John's face.

"Gottle of geer. Gottle of geer. Gottle of geer."

"Stop it!"

"Nice touch this. The pool where little Carl died." The laser ranges over John's chest. "I stopped him laughing. I can stop John Watson too. I can stop Michelle's heart as well."

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