Chapter 151

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"I originally planned to teach you, but it seems that Ayu doesn't need it." Shang Junlin felt a little regretful.

"I haven't ridden for a long time. If your Majesty is not too troublesome, you can teach me again." The white horse is docile, and as a stranger's gloomy approach, there is no response.

"Ayu try first, I will watch you by the side."

Hearing this, Shen Yu turned over and got on the horse. At first glance, he knew that he was not a novice. The movement of getting on the horse was very beautiful.

Shen Yu sat on the horse, the gentle breeze blew, and squinted his eyes comfortably.

Shang Junlin also got on the horse and manipulated the black horse to walk beside the white horse.

Dark Horse didn't like this slow pace, and snorted several times in a row.

Holding the horse's belly, Shen Yu first let the white horse walk a few steps slowly, and then gradually accelerated after regaining the feeling.

Shang Junlin always followed him at the same speed.

After running the horse for a lap, Shen Yu only felt more and more comfortable. In the past life, riding was all about running, and there were very few times when riding for the sole purpose of riding like this.

"Why did your majesty think of taking me to ride a horse?" Shen Yu pulled the reins and slowly lowered the speed of the horse.

The black horse also slowed down and took the initiative to approach the white horse.

"I thought, staying in the palace all day will always be boring, and if you ride a horse and run, you will feel much better," Shang Junlin held the reins and looked at Shen Yu, "I used to feel bored, so I will come here for a walk. , After Ayu entered the palace, he came less often, and in a few days, maybe Wubi won't even know me."

Wu Wei was the name of the dark horse. Hearing the owner called his name, it snorted, and Shang Junlin reached out and patted the black horse on the head.

"It does make me feel better, why did His Majesty bring me here now?" Shen Yu raised his brows lightly.

"I thought you wouldn't like it. When I didn't enter the palace, did Ayu seldom ride horses?" According to the information that Yin Longwei found at the beginning, Shen Yu probably wouldn't, at least he shouldn't be so proficient in horse riding. Shang Junlin silently suppressed another doubt in his heart.

"The Marquis of Zhenbei used to ask someone to give me horseback riding, but that person took advantage of being like a concubine and made things difficult for me. For a long time, I really didn't like horseback very much."

These are all memories from a long time ago. They have long since faded and settled in an unknown corner, and they will not cause any emotional fluctuations when they are mentioned again.

After learning to ride a horse, Shen Yu didn't want to ride for a long time. As soon as he got on the horse, the mean and demeaning words of the man would appear in his mind, and he would think of the scars that should not have fallen on his body.

It was not until later that in order to make a living, he had to ride a horse by himself. In the face of life and death, the shadow left by his childhood was dispelled, and the influence of that person on him disappeared completely.

The fingers holding the reins tightened, and Shang Junlin could hear from the gloomy and fluttering tone that he didn't care about this matter, but he couldn't help but feel distressed.

How old are you when you learn to ride a horse? Xiao Shen Yu was facing a malicious teacher, and learning to ride a horse was a very frightening thing for Shen Yu at that time.

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