Chapter 194

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The late emperor has passed away, and everything that happened in the past has dissipated. It is difficult to figure out this problem. After all, no one is the emperor himself, so I don't know what he thought.

Shang Junlin also knew that it was useless to think about this question, and quickly turned the topic back: "This Master Zeng, I have had contact with him, and he is a rare good official. The relationship between the monarch and the minister was harmonious, and the relationship between the two was gradually estranged after the late emperor listened to the traitor."

"I also remember that this Master Zeng had a good reputation among the people. After he was killed by a traitor, many people in the people worshipped him spontaneously. There was even a great Confucian who wrote an article saying that the last light in the court went out." This matter was widely discussed in Beijing, and even Shen Yu lived in the Hou residence, and heard a thing or two.

Later, Shen Yu had his own power in his hands, and he had a general understanding of the big and small things that happened in the DPRK, especially the memory of Mrs. Zeng.

Shang Junlin: "If he didn't die at the time, then the authenticity of the murder needs to be investigated. The late emperor did kill a lot of people in the court for him at that time, including traitors and some innocent people."

Shen Yu: "What about the file back then? How was it recorded?"

Shang Junlin: "After Fang Jun found out the identity of the person behind the scenes, he immediately looked at the dossier. It was recorded that as I said before, Mr. Zeng was already a 'dead man'."

Shen Yu: "It's no wonder that no one has been found before. A person who has 'dead' will naturally not be placed on the suspect list. When Master Zeng 'died', His Majesty had already made a name for himself in the court. Did he start to doubt it? How did he know who would end up on the throne?"

Shang Junlin: "When I was young, I was mostly at the border, and I didn't know the mind of the late emperor. When the incident of Mrs. Zeng happened, I was far away at the border. When I came back, the dust had settled. As for the backhands left by the late emperor, I didn't know it at first, but after encountering an assassination, I slowly found out that the late emperor left far more things than I imagined."

Shen Yu: "According to this, if he wants to make King Yue the new king, he can give him the crown prince position in advance, but no, the first emperor never let go of the crown prince from beginning to end."

If another prince is established and Shang Junlin wants to succeed the throne, it will be a lot of trouble, but the previous emperor did not. As the only direct son of the previous emperor, Shang Junlin inherits the throne of Dahuan of course, not to mention that he also has great military exploits and holds Dahuan in his hand. Most of the military power, other princes have no power to fight against him.

Besides, Mr. Zeng, why don't Mr. Tan and others know his true identity? Why did he never show his true colors in front of his subordinates? Because he can't, a deceased person reappearing in the world is bound to cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"How did Mr. Fang find out his true identity? Also, he should not use his original appearance, right?" Shen Yu asked, if he used his own appearance, he should have been recognized when he was first caught. That's it.

Although it has been more than ten years, Mrs. Zeng has left a deep impression in the hearts of the world. When Mr. Fang first entered the court, Mr. Zeng was still active in the court. It is said that Mr. Fang once almost worshipped Mr. Zeng. Under the master.

"This incident is also a coincidence. It happened that Fang Jun's interrogation had a doctor who came to the prison to test the medicine. He saw the traces of the potion used on Zeng's face. After the appearance was restored, Fang Jun recognized it at a glance."

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