Chapter 15 - Hiruzen's Thoughts and Kensei's Suspicions

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Hokage office. That evening.

Genma gave the Hokage a folder containing all the relevant information on Daichi Hekima. From his time of birth to now.

Hiruzen opened the file and flipped through the pages. Quickly reading every line.

'Born on March 28 the same year as the attack. But it says here that's not his real birthdate. It was assigned by Aiko Hikara when he was in the orphanage. Still, his 5th birthday was 2 days ago... Same day he got adopted I see... The one who adopted him is...'

The Hokage was shocked when he read the name.

Kensei Yasaji.

'Kensei !? Why would he adopt a child now?'

Looking at Daichi's photo again another face came to his mind. 'I see. The boy's resemblance to Kensei's late son is amazing. No wonder he adopted him.'

The Hokage read through the file. Then asked for Genma's personal report. "Tell me what you've found out."

"As you know, during the attack 5 years ago there were many children that became orphans."

"A dark day." Hiruzen sadly sighed. It was also the day he lost his beloved wife, his successor and many other shinobi and villagers.

"Daichi was one of them. During the 2nd day of rescue operations after the attack, a chunin found a child buried beneath a lot of rubble and concrete. The child didn't look like he was breathing but when the chunin took him in her arms he suddenly started crying. They called it a miracle that he survived." Genma said.

"The chunin who rescued the boy, it was Aiko, wasn't it." Hiruzen asked even though he knew.

Genma nodded. He continued. "She retired shortly before the attack and after the incident she quickly got to building her orphanage. She's the one who gave him his name."

"And since some of the records sections were destroyed in the attack and he looked about 6 months old she gave him his name and marked March 28th as his birthday."

'Daichi. Meaning 'from the earth' and 'wisdom'. A fitting name indeed.' Hiruzen mused.

"He has exceptional learning capabilities. Miss Aiko said he learned at a much faster rate than the other children. Based on what she said, his interests lay in books and knowledge."

"A polite smart child who hasn't caused any problems other than the occasional small harmless pranks on his friends. That's her impression of the boy. And during his stay in the orphanage the only times he left its premises was with Miss Aiko to buy groceries or other such items and that too on a handful of occasions."

Hiruzen nodded and motioned to continue.

"Two days ago he was adopted by Kensei Yasaji. A retired Jonin. Miss Aiko said that Kensei thought Daichi might be his grandson so she ran a blood test. It turned out to be false. But he still decided to go through with the adoption."

"That's because Daichi has a strong resemblance to Kensei's late son. During their later years both him and his son became estranged. Perhaps he wanted to make up for that and felt adopting Daichi would accomplish it. That's probably why." Hiruzen added.

Hiruzen then thought about the strained relation he currently had with his son. 'Oh Biwako. I wish you were here. You would know how to solve this.'

"Continue." The old kage motioned with his head.

"Yesterday morning Daichi left his new home and went to several places in the village. I retraced his steps and found he went to a bookstore first. He bought books on gardening and cooking. Then he headed to the Leaf public library."

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