Chapter 19 - Finding My First Dungeon

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Kensei was feeding the fishes in the koi pond. This last month had truly surprised him. The surprise had more to do with his adopted grandson than anything else. He never complained, he never slacked off and everyday he trained till he dropped.

But the fascinating thing was that he would be ready to go again the next day. His recuperating ability was abnormal. Everyday he watched his grandson push himself. He trained his chakra and Kensei could feel it increase by a small margin everyday.

He felt pride. He wanted to teach Daichi everything he knew. All the skills and techniques he learned throughout his career, he wanted to pass on to the boy. From the first time he met him till now he studied Daichi. And he understood one fact.

Daichi was a free bird. Sooner or later he would leave to see the world. Over the last month Daichi would ask him about the world beyond the village. The places he went. The people he met.

Kensei was an adventurer in his heart but his duty shackled him to the village. He loved the village but if he was given a chance to do it all again he would make several different decisions. When Daichi spoke to him he could sense his desire to explore and see the world.

He was going to let the boy have that shot. The one he never had. He sensed Daichi coming his way.

"I see you're done for the day." Kensei said smiling.

"Yeah." After a few moments of silence Daichi spoke.

"This is the last day of the month. So tell me Gramps. Are you impressed.?" He asked even though he knew his progress was being watched by his grandpa everyday.

Kensei turned around. He looked at Daichi with a calm gaze. After a few moments of silence he answered.

"Yes. I've been watching you every day for the last month and I'm convinced. You've far exceeded my expectations. You're talent is beyond many. And only a few could match your drive to improve."

Kensei had a wide grin on his face. "If you keep training at the current rate then by the time you join the academy next year I have no doubt you'll be at the top amongst your peers. Starting the day after tomorrow we'll start training for real. And I'll teach you the standard academy Taijutsu and if you can then a couple of Ninjutsu as well."

Current Quest - 'Get ahead of your peers' Updated.

Daichi ignored the notification box that appeared. "Wait. Why the day after tomorrow?" Daichi was a bit confused but he figured the old man might have some plans.

"Because you need to learn to take a break every once in a while. I've told this before Daichi, you have to stop once in a while and relax. Training yourself every hour of every day won't help you. In fact, if you keep going like this, soon it'll hinder your growth rather than help. Take a moment to enjoy the simple things in life. Tomorrow we're taking the whole day off and going sightseeing."

When he heard this Daichi took a deep breath and exhaled a few seconds later and recalled the last month. 'The old man's right. I've been so caught up in training I didn't even think about anything else. And if I keep this up for long I'll burn out.' Daichi thought about what to do to recharge and recover as it were.

"It seems you got my point. Good. One of the best ways to keep ourselves sane and have a clear strong focus is to have a hobby. We all need one. Especially those in our profession. A hobby will help us relax, clear the mind and give us a new perspective when we need it." Kensei advised him.

"Alright. I understand. I'll think of something." Daichi replied.

"It's almost sundown. Let's get inside." Kensei walked into the house. Daichi took one look at the setting sun and went inside. He got cleaned up and was at the table eating some food.

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