Chapter 76 - The Shinobi of Darkness

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Sunday - 2nd day After the Massacre.

Daichi was dodging the water blasts coming from the river beneath him. He was surrounded by three shadow clones, all using water, fire and wind style jutsu on him. The turbulent waves across the river due to the training didn't affect Daichi.

'Almost there.'

Daichi woke up early in the morning and went to the nearby river. The river was located not far from his house and Daichi often used it for training his water walking technique and water style jutsus. His goal was to improve and master his water walking chakra control training and improving his reflexes and reaction speed.

Just as he dodged another water blast and zipped past a shadow clone a notification appeared.

Skill Water walking technique's level has risen by one.

Water walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV.100)

Effects: 200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 3/sec.

30% Decrease CP cost to chakra techniques.

Congratulations. You have successfully trained a skill to its highest level.

+500 Exp.

+75 Exp.

"Finally.!" Daichi let out a breath as he looked at the notification. Daichi had mainly been focused on his chakra control for the past few months. All in preparation to begin the next stage in his training. He released the shadow clones and jumped to the ground.

He began walking back to his home. His mind went back to the conversation he and Kensei had last night.


Kensei arrived home late at night from his visit to the orphanage. As he entered he saw Daichi waiting for him.

"So how did everything go?"

Daichi asked anxiously. He was concerned because the Mana puppetry skill he used on the matron was not a permanent or a strong one. It was only capable of swaying her decision at the moment. If she decided to change her mind and inform the Hokage, then there would be nothing Daichi could do.

"Don't worry. I spoke with Aiko about what happened. She'll keep the Uchiha girl's existence a secret." Kensei told him as he sat down.

"So she agreed that this is for the best?"

Kensei nodded. "She wasn't happy that we're keeping something like this from the Hokage but she sees the wisdom in keeping everything that happened that night under wraps."

Daichi and relaxed. "How is..."

"The baby?... Fine. She was sleeping... Cute kid... Too bad about what happened to her family." Kensei answered. "I'm sorry about your friend."

Daichi nodded. After a few seconds he asked. "You didn't tell Miss Aiko about the coup, right?" Daichi knew Kensei wouldn't tell her something so dangerous but he still asked.

"Of course not!... If even a word of that got out there would be such an outcry. Can you imagine what would happen if the other clans found out that the Hokage or the higher ups ordered the execution of an entire clan?"


"Yes. That's why no one else must know." Kensei sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

The old ninja let out a long breath and sat back in his chair.

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