Chapter 142 - Kensei's Friends

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"I agree that the price is above normal but these are some of the finest sweets you could find anywhere in the capital. Please try it."

Daichi tasted the sweets handed by the vendor one by one and he had to agree with the man. 'These are indeed delicious. I haven't tasted candies like these since I came to this world. No wonder it costs so much.'

"Since we've only opened a few weeks ago I'll sell them to you at a nice discount young man."

"Thank you. I'll take it." Daichi smiled and bought enough sweets for all the kids at Aiko's orphanage. It was Reo's birthday next week and he wanted to buy some gifts for her. But he didn't want to make things too obvious to anyone keeping an eye on him so he bought treats for everyone.

Handing the money over, Daichi headed back home with the sweets and gifts. With his grandfather's help he was able to send the gifts and treats to Aiko with no problems.

Since he had nothing much to do, Daichi helped out at the Fire capital hospital from time to time. Tsunade and Shizune also decided to stay in the capital till Daichi's departure back to the village. Despite spending his time healing patients at the hospital, the boy's thoughts were mainly on what would happen in the coming months.

'By graduating this year, I'm giving up one year's worth of stat points and training time. That's a huge con. But I'll be able to visit different villages and gain more information. If I need to complete my long term quests then I can't waste anymore time training. I'll also need to see if I can become a Chunin this year. If I can become one before the canon Chunin exam then I'll have a significant advantage. I'll only be able to put some of my plans in motion if I get an official Rank as soon as possible.'

At that moment Daichi's mind drifted to who would become his future teammates.

'I wonder who my teammates and sensei are gonna be? They will most definitely be from Lee's class. I hope they're mature enough to work with me despite me being a year below them. Whatever the case, I just need to pass the test and I'll be a Genin.'

Daichi spent the remaining days polishing his skills and Leveling them up as much as he could. It was during this time that he met Kensei's friends at the capital.

Daichi and Kensei were in a small villa on the Eastern side of the capital. Daichi looked around the small mansion that was beautifully designed.

'This must be the home of some kind of noble. Or at least someone with a thriving business.' Daichi deduced as he walked through the long halls.

At that moment he saw someone around Kensei's age coming towards them. The man had tan skin and a slightly skinny body. He had a white beard and had a few beads attached to them. Daichi immediately noticed the slash with the Fire Kanji tied around his waist. 'One of the Twelve Ninja Guardians. Or a former one based on his age.'

"Hello young man. I'm Jin. A friend of your grandpa's. Welcome to my humble abode." The man smiled and introduced himself in a cheerful manner.

"Hello sir, I'm Daichi Hekima."

"I know. Your grandpa has spoken about you on more than one occasion. You should hear him talk."

"Alright that's enough." Kensei interrupted Jin with an annoyed yet slightly embarrassed tone.

"Hahaha.... Come on. Isen is waiting in the other room." Jin led the two to another large room where another man was waiting for them.

"So this is the child. I can already tell that he's strong. Tsunade certainly has been training him well." The man known as Isen spoke looking at Daichi.

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