Chapter 145 - Graduation

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It was the next day after his visit to the academy. Daichi was moving along the streets of the Leaf and soon reached Aiko's orphanage.

As he entered the compound he saw children playing in the small playground and having fun. There were a couple adults who (Daichi used 'observe' on and made sure we're working for the orphanage) were watching the children to make sure they were safe. As he looked around, his eyes soon focused on a girl who looked very familiar to him. She was playing on a swing with her friends. It only took him a moment to figure out her identity.

'No way. Is that...'

After watching her for a few seconds Daichi headed to the matron's office. He knocked on the door a few times. A couple seconds later he heard the voice of Aiko from inside.

"Come in."

Daichi entered the room and greeted the head Matron.

"Hello Miss Aiko. It's been a long time."

"Daichi! You're back. I'm so happy to see you." Aiko got up and went to give Daichi a hug.

"I'm happy to see you too. How have you been?"

"I've been good. I hired a few people these last two years to help with the kids. So things are going somewhat smoothly. I can't complain. What about you? When did you get back?"

"A couple days ago. I've decided to take the graduation exam this coming month."

"Wow. I have no doubt you will ace the test." Aiko was truly happy for Daichi.

"Miss Aiko. How's Reo?" Daichi asked at that moment.

Aiko smiled expecting that question. She got up from her seat and went near the window in her room. She motioned for Daichi to come and he went near her.

"Look at the swings."

Daichi looked at the girl in a red and blue dress riding the swing.

"She's grown a lot from the last time you saw her huh. 4 years old. It feels like only yesterday when you brought her to me." Aiko said.

"Yeah. Time flies. She's beautiful. She has Kimiko's face but Ren's smile." A smile formed on his face as he looked at the girl playing with her friends.

"You know she's smart too. Learns things much quicker than most. And she often asks me who it is that sends her special gifts and sweets on her birthdays."

Daichi turned to look at the matron. "What did you tell her? Did you tell her about me?"

"No. I just said it was an anonymous donation... You should meet her."

"And say what exactly? I can't exactly go up to her and say 'Hey I'm the guy who saved your life when you were a baby from a psycho who murdered your parents and were about to kill you'..."

Aiko let out a small breath. "I wouldn't phrase it like that... Why are you hesitating?" She asked the boy.

Daichi thought back to his discussion with Kensei.

"Right now, you're about to become a Genin. And I have some work remaining back at the capital. And you and I both know there are elements within the village that could prove problematic if your relationship with the girl got out. Her life would be in danger. For the moment let things pass. Once the threat is removed we'll adopt her. Or at the very least you can openly communicate with her."

"It's still dangerous for her. I can't let her be in danger."

"But Itachi is long gone from the village."

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now