Chapter 33 - Interlude 01 - Kensei, Hiruzen, Sasuke

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Kensei Yasaji.

Kensei was eating his morning breakfast when he noticed Daichi coming down. "Good morning Gramps." Daichi greeted him. As he looked at Daichi, Kensei noticed something strange.

'His chakra reserve has increased and he seems to be on alert.'

Even though it wouldn't be obvious to someone normal, Kensei saw the signs. He watched Daichi take a look at the exits and take in every object in the room quickly and subtly. He sat down without saying anything and ate his breakfast.

Kensei quickly sensed Daichi's chakra signature to verify it's his grandson. 'It's Daichi alright.! So then what's up with him?'

"Did something happen last night?"

The question startled the boy. He put a wide smile on his face and replied. "Nothing happened... Why do you ask?"

"You seem to be on guard. More vigilant and wary of your surroundings." Kensei replied in a confused tone.

"Oh? I'm trying to be more vigilant of my surroundings. I read in a book about taking in every detail when in enemy territory. Trying to make this a habit..." Daichi said with a straight face. He did read something similar in a book so he wasn't lying.

Hearing Daichi's answer satisfied Kensei.

"Anyway...Umm...Something else did happen last night." Daichi had a sheepish smile on his face as he said this.

Seeing Daichi's jovial expression, Kensei let go of his worries. "What is it?" He was curious as to what brought the change.

"I learned two jutus. One for water and one for wind."

"Have you tried them?" Kensei asked.

"No." Daichi replied with a straight face. "I was thinking we could go over them after we had some breakfast."

Kensei nodded in approval. They quickly finished their food and went outside. They reach the training area in their backyard. Kensei motioned for Daichi to begin.

Daichi quickly went through the hand seals for the water style jutsu. A fast spiraling blast of water shot from his mouth and destroyed the small stone he aimed at. Kensei was examining Daichi as he used the Jutsu. He noticed his grandson's chakra reserves had increased by a wide margin. Noting that he had enough chakra to perform another jutsu, Kensei motioned Daichi to perform the next one. The wind style wind bullet jutsu was quickly demonstrated as well. Daichi turned around to look at his grandpa.

"So what do you think?"

Kensei examined the aftermath of the two Ninjutsus. He was more than impressed that a first year academy student had the reserves and control to pull off two techniques that looked like they were C Rank level.

"Your chakra volume has grown far more than someone your age. And your chakra control is exceptional. To successfully use two chakra nature jutsus that are not of your natural affinity... That's impressive." Kensei was impressed by Daichi's improvement and dismissed Daichi's strange behavior in the morning. "I take it you have something in mind for telling me this."

Daichi nodded. "Can you give me 3 simple easy jutsus for the remaining chakra natures."

"So you want a fire, lightning and earth nature jutsus. Why do you need them?" Kensei's curiosity peaked.

"I want to feel what it's like to use all 5 elements. Understand the way my chakra changes to each element. Improve my control. All that stuff." Daichi gave his answer. He was hoping his grandfather would approve.

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