Chapter 183 - A wild theory

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Daichi's group.

Kakashi and his student bowed and followed the Daimyo's advisors out the room.

"This is your first time in the palace isn't it?" One of the advisors said to the two ninjas.

"Yes." Kakashi and his student nodded.

"Come. I'll show you around." The court member gave a small tour of the palace to the two ninjas.

Kakashi and Daichi were well aware that their every move was being observed by the guards hidden throughout the palace.

As Daichi looked around he met several people. One in particular caught his attention. It was a thin servant woman carrying out her duties. 'Her features... She seems...'

A picture came to his mind and Daichi compared that to the thin maid. He finally recognized who it was.. 'There's no way. That's Madam Shijimi or her counterpart from canon. So here she's a maid and not the wife of the Fire Lord. Another change... I need to find the reason behind it.'

Daichi was about to ask the advisor the history of the Fire Daimyo but decided against it. 'Its best I ask the Hokage for that information. And I also need to pay a visit to Kenichi and Hirohito. I have a feeling they'll have the answers I'm looking for. Their family would definitely have records of some sort.'

Soon their tour came to an end and at that time the Hokage came to meet them.

"We'll be here for a few days. The diplomats from other countries will arrive and I need you to prepare a detailed report Kakashi."

The Jonin nodded.


Kakashi and Daichi went their separate ways. Hiruzen looked at the disappearing form of Daichi Hekima. He sighed and went to his guest room.


Kenichi looked at the boy in front of him with a tired sigh. The events of the last few days were stressful for him. "What brings you here Daichi?"

"I want to know more about your great grandfather?"

The man was puzzled at that request. "Why?"

"Call it curiosity. And I don't have much else to do at the moment. I'm curious about the ordinary man who saved a Daimyo's life."

Kenichi was suspicious but he couldn't deny Daichi's request after everything that's happened. He took the Genin to his personal library and took a few worn out looking books from the shelf.

"These were his personal journals. These should help you learn more about him." The man handed the books to the boy.

"Have you read them?" Daichi asked Kenichi.

The man shook his head. "No. I have no interest in wasting time and reading something that happened almost a century ago." With that answer he left the room.

Daichi began going through each journal. He thought his chances of finding something unusual was slim but he was wrong. After just an hour he stumbled on a critical piece of information. Daichi's eyes carefully read the lines written in the book.

'An hour after I opened my shop a strange traveler came in. The only thing I could see was his eyes... Everything else was shrouded in black clothing. The Komugi clan and the Hyuga clan had a small battle not too far from here so I was wary of the stranger. Even though I was slightly scared, I served him without hesitation. At the end he gave me the needed coins and something else. It was a small pouch with a herb in it.'

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