Chapter 40 - Rescue Mission with Rookie...6?

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"Come on! Let's go join the others."

Shikamaru's words brought Daichi out of his thoughts. Choji, Naruto and Shikamaru quickly jumped and headed to the others with Daichi slowly following them. His mind was still on the failure part of the quest.

'Why is the failure part of the quest so severe? And why the hell is there a warning for this quest? What kind of a ripple effect will this quest completion have? Isn't that the case for all other quests? What's so special about this one?'

Daichi couldn't understand why this quest was different and had a warning unlike the ones he had so far. 'I thought Yota wasn't important but then why does rescuing him trigger such a warning?'

'Can I really complete this quest? Should I even accept this?' Doubt filled Daichi's mind as he landed near the group.

"Alright. Now that everyone's here, let's begin. If we're going to save Yota we need a plan." Shikamaru announced.

"Yeah." The other agreed.

"Ok. First we-..."

"Wait." As Shikamaru was about to begin, Daichi interrupted him.

"What is it, Daichi?" Kiba asked.

Daichi looked at everyone gathered. He took a breath before saying what was on his mind.

"Look. I want to save Yota too. But before we begin, are you sure about this? Have you guys thought this through?" Daichi asked them.

"What do you mean?" Choji asked.

"I mean we're about to go up against Anbu ninjas from our own village to save someone not from the Leaf. Once we do this, we'll be in big trouble." Daichi explained to them. He could see the faces of some get slightly angry after hearing him.

"Are you saying we should just let Yota be imprisoned? I thought you cared about him." Naruto exploded in anger.

Reputation slightly decreases with Naruto.

"I do care about him! I'm not saying we should just leave him to his fate and let the Anbu do whatever they want. But right now we need to consider things from their perspective too." Naruto got angrier as he listened and he was about to walk over and punch Daichi but Shikamaru held up his hand stopping him.

"What exactly are you saying Daichi?" The young Nara asked.

"The tensions between the Leaf and the Stone village are high. And this in-turn has increased tensions between the 5 great nations. I'm sure you've heard that a spy was captured some time ago during an incident..."

"Yeah..." Shikamaru slowly nodded.

"My grandpa told me that small border skirmishes have been happening around the fire country for a while and things have gotten somewhat intense. The Jonin and Anbu are on high alert for any spies or intruders trying to infiltrate the village. If we cause a commotion during a time like this, we would be in serious trouble." Daichi explained his thoughts.

"But Yota isn't a spy or a threat to the village. He's just a poor lost kid looking for some friends to play with." Ino said to Daichi.

"I know that! And you do too.! But the other people in the village don't... If we do this, and we fail, Yota will still be captured and we could even lose our place in the academy. We might never be ninjas. Or maybe even worse..." Daichi paused for a moment and looked at everyone.

"Look... I'm just saying this so you guys know the risks of what we're about to do." Daichi said his piece. For the first time, he wasn't sure about taking a quest or not.

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