Chapter 73 - Dark Deals Made In The Shadows 02

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Several miles outside the Leaf village.

The space rippled in a vortex shape and the masked man suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest. He looked at the moonlight shining down on him and went to a nearby rock and sat down. The hidden leader of the Akatsuki organization and one that goes by the name Madara Uchiha. Real identity - Obito Uchiha.

Several seconds later another figure appeared out of the ground. This creature had two Venus flytrap-like extensions emerging from its sides that protected the upper body and the head like a shell.

The right half of the face had a completely black appearance with a single yellow eye that lacked a visible pupil and it had no other human characteristics. The left side was made up of a white creature with human-like facial features, green hair and a proper yellow eye. The creature was wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them. One of the members of the Akatsuki organization - Zetsu. The spy and the one tasked with collecting intelligence on enemies and other countries.

"Is it done?" The gruff voice from the black half of the face came.

"Yeah. The Uchiha clan is no more. And now Itachi will work for us." Obito answered.

"Ooohhh!! So did we make a new friend?" The question was asked from the white half of Zetsu in a slightly excited voice.

"Quite you chatterbox. And no. At best Itachi would be nothing more than a co worker!" Black Zetsu replied.

"Zetsu! Keep an eye on Itachi. He killed the clan to safeguard the village and his brother. He entered our organization most probably to spy on me." Obito knew a man like Itachi wouldn't leave things to chance.

"Hmm... We'll be discreet." Black Zetsu responded.

"Did you get what you wanted?" The white Zetsu asked Obito.

"Yes. I've taken almost every Sharingan I believe is valuable from the corpses. This will make sure Danzo or anyone else won't get their hands on the Uchiha Kekkei Genkai. And now I have spares to use in case an emergency arises."

"Were there any complications?" Black Zetsu asked.

"No. I did pay Danzo a visit though."

"Did you kill him? Now that the Uchiha clan is gone, he is of no use."

"True. He is of no value right now. And I was tempted to kill him... But... I let him live." Obito said, looking up at the moon.

"Any particular reason? He could become a problem if left alone." Black Zetsu wanted to take every variable into consideration for his plans. Letting someone like Danzo live was not ideal for his and the Akatsuki's goals.

"Yes. Given time he might become a thorn. But I need him alive for now. The threat Danzo poses against Itachi's brother Sasuke Uchiha will keep most of Itachi's attention on him. If I had killed Danzo, then I have no doubt Itachi would become much more focused on us and far more of a problem for our goals in the future." Obito crossed his hands and looked at Zetsu again.

"If you know he's such a threat then why keep Itachi alive?" Zetsu questioned.

"Rarely few are born with talents like his. Just because he might become a threat doesn't mean he can't be of value. His strength and now his feared reputation can be put to good use for our organization."

"Understood." Black Zetsu agreed with that reasoning.

"Ohh!! So when can we meet him?" The white Zetsu asked with a child-like enthusiasm.

"Why don't you head over to his location right now. You can assess him for yourself."

Zetsu nodded and left Obito to find Itachi and seconds later Obito vanished as well.

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