Chapter 93 - Interlude 04. And the Ripple Effect Continues...

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Daichi couldn't believe what he was reading. He went over the skill a couple more times just to be sure he didn't miss anything. "Who the hell would design a skill like this?"

['I'm Ready to Die' stance - Active(LV. MAX): This skill is a unique one time 'conditional trigger' skill that can only be activated in a certain scenario. This skill activates when the user has mentally prepared himself to sacrifice his life. Once this skill activates, the CP, HP, SP and MP of the user are restored to 50% of maximum for 20 seconds. The user must die in these 20 seconds. If not, the body of the user will violently explode.]

[Conditions for activation.]

Health points of the user must be below 10%.

Chakra points of the user must be below 10%.

User must be resolute in his decision to die. Only then will this skill activate.


[HP, CP, SP, MP of the user are restored to 50% for 20 seconds.]

[300% Increase in effects of all techniques used during the 20 seconds activation period.]

[All stats will gain a 20% boost for 20 seconds.]

'Da faq??... Well at least if anyone comes close to killing me, then I can be sure that I'll be able to take him with me to the afterlife.'

Daichi then thought of the skill he acquired after saving Reo. His eyes slightly widened as he recalled the details of that skill. 'It seems this skill is designed to be paired up with that one. Interesting...'

Daichi closed the system messages and laid down in his bed. He crossed his arms behind his head and just laid there thinking about the next year. 'I need to complete the second step of the Fire Nature chakra. I was able to separate the waterfall but it wasn't perfect. I was only able to increase it up to level 64... And I'll need to start on medical ninjutsu this year. Have to ask the old man if he knows anyone... But I also need to keep myself off Kabuto's radar. I definitely can't have him knowing about my abilities.... One step at a time Daichi. Take one step at a time.'

The boy let out a long breath and closed his eyes and soon went to sleep.


Hokage Office.

An anbu wearing a mask with a bear pattern was standing silently in front of Hiruzen.

"You took your time Bear! Over a year to investigate a single spy?... Report!"

At Hokage's command, the Anbu ninja began his report on a certain spy.

"I was able to identify the spy within the first two weeks of my assignment, Lord Hokage. But... the reason it took so long to compile the report is because of his background."

Hiruzen narrowed his eyes. "Go on."

"Based on the description we received, I identified the suspect as Kabuto Yakushi. His rank is genin and he works at the hospital as a medic ninja. Nothing out of the ordinary about him. That's the first impression anyone would get when investigating him. "

"Yakushi?... Where have I heard that name before?" Hiruzen asked himself.

"Nono Yakushi. She was a Jonin and a medic ninja and was the former captain of the medic corps." The Anbu explained.

"Ahh yes. Now I remember. She was also part of the foundation and for a while worked undercover for Danzo." Hiruzen said as he recalled the face of the woman.

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