Chapter 50 - Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 03

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The explosion rocked the forest sending nearby trees and rocks flying. Dust filled the air and it took a minute for everything to become visible.

The Hunter nin kicked Daichi away from the restrained insect ninja before he threw the paper bombs. And he leapt back and created some distance as soon as he launched the attack on Daichi. So neither of the dungeon ninjas were affected by the blast other than the dust and winds blowing in their faces.

Once the dust cleared they got to work. While the insect nin was trying to free himself from the ninja wire, the hunter nin got close to where Daichi was. The earth dome Daichi created was completely destroyed and there was a large crater where the explosion took place. The hunter nin looked around and didn't see a shred of his opponent's body.

As he looked around the rubble for any signs of his enemy, he suddenly heard the sound of blades piercing a body. He turned around and saw two daggers coming out of the insects ninja's chest. Stabbed all the way from behind by a panting Daichi.

The hunter nin looked at Daichi with indifference. At that moment his instincts warned him and he jumped backwards. Two hands burst out of the ground just as he jumped trying to trap him or at least that's what it looked like. Just as he landed on the ground several fireballs erupted out of the earth and struck him.

-268 HP Enemy hit.

A second shadow clone of Daichi's came out of the ground and together with the first one started fighting the Hunter ninja.

Meanwhile the real Daichi kicked the Aburame ninja into the ground and went through several hand-seals quickly. He was going to use the new fire jutsu he recently learned from Kensei's library. His mind recalled the information on the jutsu as he weaved the 5 seals.

Fire Style - Dragon Fire Jutsu - Active(LV.3): The user kneads chakra and converts it to fire and expels it as a continuous stream of flames. The user can also breathe fire along a cord or ninja wire and use it to attack the enemy. The released flames, if strong enough, will engulf and vaporize the target and leave a smoldering crater on the ground's surface.

Rank: C

Type: Ninjutsu

Hand Seals: Snake - Dragon - Rabbit - Boar - Tiger

CP Cost: 285 Per shot.

[Note: The range, power and duration of the attack can be altered by controlling the chakra kneaded into the attack. Overusing this jutsu without experience can cause burns inside the throat and mouth.]

'Fire style - Dragon Fire jutsu.'

Despite its name, when Daichi breathed fire it didn't have a dragon head. But it was fast and reached the insect ninja in a second. The flames covered his entire body and the Kikaichū bugs tried to shield its host. Daichi increased the chakra and thus the power of the flames. But he was careful not to overdo it. The HP of the burning ninja was falling fast. Daichi kept up the attack without showing any mercy. As he breathed fire onto his enemy, he thought back to a few minutes ago.

Flashback - A few Minutes ago

Daichi looked on as the hunter nin took the paper bombs from his holster and tied them to the kunais. At that moment his brain worked faster than ever before. His neurons, firing at lightning speed. To Daichi it was as if the world had slowed down.

'His shuriken jutsu is perfect. It'll definitely hit me. And even if I somehow jump and escape the blast radius he would just capitalize on my weakened state and attack me. And the moment that Aburame ninja gets free it's gamer over for me.'

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now