Chapter 198 - Interrogation

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It was early morning with the sun slowly making its way over the Horizon. Daichi got up, did some light exercises and got ready for his day.

At that moment Genma came into the room and greeted his ward. "Good morning. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, it was alright. So any new developments? You said you had an idea as to who made the seal."

The Special Jonin nodded. "Yes. There is a ninja who wasn't all that good when it came to the ninja arts but he had decent skills in Sealing. He was from one of the smaller villages surrounding the borders of the Fire country. About two decades ago he left his village and became sort of a freelancer."

"A missing nin? Why hasn't he been hunted down by now?"

"Well, he left his village on good terms and he helped us in some small but meaningful ways during the Third war. The threat he posed was minimal and since he hadn't committed any crimes and helped us when we asked he wasn't placed in the bingo books... Last I heard, he's a freelancer working near the Fire country."

"What makes you so sure that he's our guy?"

"Well, aside from being an excellent seal master, he's also a good chemist." Genma said with a grin. "If I had to make a bet, I'd say that flash paper was his work."

"So assuming you're right, do you think he could be the person who planted it here?"

Genma shook his head negatively. "No. He's a contractor. He just makes what he's commissioned. And he always made it a point not to target anyone in the Fire country. That's a sure fire way to write your own death sentence. Now he may not have been the one to place it here but he did create the seal."

"So the shinobi stationed here will bring him in for interrogation?!"

"Yes. I gave the information to the necessary people. They'll find him. He's our best lead. So all we can do is wait." Genma then asked something that's been on his mind. "Yesterday you said you needed a sample of the original thing to find a cure... Is this poison really that complex?"

"Well if this were a poison that affected everyone it came in contact with, then regardless of how complex its chemical make-up was or what compounds were used, I could easily come up with a counter agent."

Genma nodded as he paid close attention. "And you said the poison used on Leorio was a custom built one specific to his DNA."

Daichi nodded his head. "Yes. If I had Leorio's uncontaminated blood sample I could have reverse engineered the poison and then created a cure. But since we don't have that, we need the original sample of the toxin or something close to it."

"And there's no other way to create a cure?"

"Well, there is. It's just that, it'll take time. I'd need 3 or 4 days at least."

The special Jonin ninja sighed and sat on one of the chairs. "And that's time we don't have."

The Genin sat down opposite and both shinobi were silent. A few moments later Daichi broke the silence. "What about the spy in Lord Taji's Mansion?"

"An investigation is currently underway. We don't even know if there is a spy so everyone is under scrutiny save for a few people. So far we haven't found anyone suspicious. A request for a Yamanaka clan ninja is already sent to the village." Genma replied.

Daichi nodded. "Hey sensei, when they begin interrogating that chemist guy, I should be there."

Genma raised an eyebrow at that strange request. "Why?"

"Lady Tsunade taught me several things. How to check someone's vitals and spot when they are lying was one of the many lessons she imparted on me. We'll be able to move much faster with our investigation if we could get our answers quicker..."

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