Chapter 57 - Interlude 02 - Daichi and the Rookie 6

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"Ghaa... That written exam was so tough. I didn't even understand some of the questions." Naruto sat under the shade of a tree near the Academy and lightly wailed. Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Kiba and Sakura were sitting nearby. They sighed hearing him complain.

"Well that's what happens when you don't study and goof off." Sakura replied.

"But Sakura I did try to study. I spent all day yesterday trying to learn the chapters." Naruto said in an almost whiny tone.

The pink haired academy student just sighed and shook her head as she listened to him. Even though her mother warned her to stay away from him she didn't. One of the few times she has disobeyed her parents. After he helped rescue Yota, she decided to give him a chance and soon became friends with him.

"Calm down Naruto. You'll be fine. You'll pass." Shikamaru said in a nonchalant tone.

"Why do you say that Shikamaru?" Naruto was curious as to how he would know.

"Because I've looked over all the questions. And some were easy enough that I'm sure even you got them right. That along with your Taijutsu results will definitely get you a passing grade. You'll be in the lower half of the rankings though." Shikamaru said while looking at the clouds. He found them relaxing and it would always help sleep quicker.

"But I don't just wanna pass... I wanna be the best. I want to take the number 1 spot." Naruto smiled and boldly said.

"HA!! Keep dreaming. That's not ever going to happen." Ino immediately replied in a haughty tone when she heard him. She was fixing Sakura's hair and was in the middle of adding some colorful flower to match the pink hair when she heard Naruto.

"Oh yeah?" Naruto stood up and challenged her.

"Yeah." Ino stood up as well and glared at him.

Both of them glared at each other. Metaphorical sparks could be seen flying between them. But before it escalated Choji spoke up.

"I'm sorry Naruto but I'm gonna have to agree with Ino on this. You could become strong and climb up the rankings but I don't think you'll be able to take the number one spot." Choji was eating his favorite brand of chips as he said those words.

Naruto looked incredulous as he heard those words.

"Choji's right you know. Besides you do realize who you have to beat to take that spot, don't you?" Kiba fed Akamaru some dog treats as he asked Naruto that question.

Naruto knew the answer to that question. He sighed and sat down. "I'm gonna train hard and one day I'm gonna beat Sasuke and then Daichi too." He declared to the group. After a few seconds of silence he asked the question that was on his mind. "How is he so strong anyway...? Well it doesn't matter. Soon I'm gonna defeat him."

Ino smirked hearing him. "Well it's not a crime to have wishful thinking."

"Hrr...Now you're just asking to be pranked."

"Oh yeah. Just try it." Ino narrowed her eyes and looked at Naruto. After a few seconds Naruto averted his gaze and mumbled something about girls and wisely decided to keep quiet.

Shikamaru listened to his friends and shook his head. "What a drag."

"Speaking of who, Where is Daichi anyway?" Kiba asked the group.

"I think I know." Sakura had a thoughtful look on her face as she tried to recall where she saw Daichi. "I saw him go to the library to take out a few books. He's probably there reading."

"He's always reading. You'd think after the exams he'd loosen up a bit... He hasn't even joined me in playing pranks on anyone yet." Naruto crossed his arms and said.

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