Chapter 161 - Trust & Truth 01

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Daichi didn't let his guard down when Kakashi said those words. It was only after he received the quest completion notification message did he start to relax. He let out a deep breath of air and put the two daggers back in his pouch.

Once the adrenaline started to wear off, Daichi began breathing hard. He was completely exhausted. But unlike him Kakashi didn't appear to be in such a tired state.

"Well, you should get some rest and get home. You've pushed yourself beyond your limits in this short time. Take a few days off. We'll meet here next week." With those words Kakashi turned around to leave but Daichi's question stopped him.

"You can barely see straight, can you?" The boy knew Kakashi was only putting up a front. He knew the man was on the brink of collapse but didn't want to seem weak in front of his student.

"I'll be fine Daichi. It's nothing just some rest won't fix." Kakashi said and began walking away.

The young Genin narrowed his eyes and stood. He flexed his fingers and the next second chakra strings came to life around them.

Kakashi only took a couple steps before he felt something grab onto his back and pull him backwards. He didn't have the strength to move his hands let alone defend himself. "Daichi, you realize that I can escape anytime right?"

"If you had the strength, then you would be gone by now."

Daichi carefully pulled the man back and forced him to sit on the ground. He created two shadow clones and then walked up to his sensei and carefully removed his Jonin vest. Daichi placed his palms on the man's chest and concentrated. Green glow formed as healing chakra began emitting from his hands.

"You need to rest, kid. Don't worry about me." Kakashi said through haggard breaths.

"I'll be fine. Now stop being so stubborn and let me heal you." Daichi carefully scanned the man's body and took in its condition.

Meanwhile Kakashi took note of the two clones meditating a few feet away from him. 'I guess now's as good a time as any to get some answers.'

"The meditation you do... It increases your chakra reserves and you also use it to replenish your chakra and stamina during battle... don't you." Kakashi said, looking at the boy.

Daichi sighed hearing that. 'He was bound to figure that out...'

A short silence later Daichi answered. "Yes. The clones hide and begin to build up chakra. It also acts as a counter to the fatigue accumulated."

"I see..."

After a second of internal debate Daichi revealed another use of meditation. "I use shadow clones to train chakra related exercises such as control, nature training and improving the skill of my jutsu. By using my clones I can drastically reduce the time needed to learn a technique."

Kakashi was surprised to hear that. He thought about such a training method and after a short while came to some conclusions. "But something like that is only possible for someone with very large reserves of chakra. And if the experience comes with the clone then does that mean the fatigue also comes back to the user?"

"Yes. So I have some clones meditate to counteract the negative effects of such training."

Kakashi thought about the efficiency of such training and the results it would provide. 'Too bad I won't be able to do something like that.'

"You took two low grade Rations pills didn't you?" Daichi asked the man at that moment.

The Jonin sighed and replied. "Yes. These pills are not as powerful as the Military Ration pills used on missions but they did their job. It was the only way I could fight so long."

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now