Chapter 85 - Fear - A Powerful Motivator and Deterrent

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Daichi quickly reached the academy. By the time the whole ordeal with the enemy ninjas was over, it was already noon. When he reached the academy the students were on their lunch break. Daichi quickly found Naruto and the others sitting in their usual spot under a tree in the corner of the academy grounds.

"We then gave the information to the Hokage and I quickly came here."

Daichi heard Naruto describing the tail end of the incident to his friends. As he got near the group Kiba noticed Daichi and greeted him.

"Daichi! You're back.!" "Arf!" Kiba's exclamation drew everyone's attention from Naruto to Daichi. Most of them had an awed expression on their face as they looked at Daichi.

"Hey guys. I see Naruto here has filled you all in on the details." Daichi sat down under the shade.

"Are you alright Daichi? Did you get hurt fighting them?" Ino's worried tone was evident in the question. She got near him and checked him for any wounds.

"I'm fine Ino. Don't worry." Daichi smiled but inwardly he was troubled. 'I'm not sure how to deal with this predicament. Should I tell Ino that I'm not interested? That would definitely hurt her and it could affect my friendship with her and probably others... For the moment I'll let things be like this. After graduation we won't have time for things like this. Not until after...'

Daichi slightly shook his head as if to rid of the future memories of the war and events that's to come.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm good Ino. Really." Daichi said with a wide smile reassuring the Yamanaka girl.

"Hey Daichi! Can I ask you something?" Shikamaru looked at Daichi with an unusually serious demeanor.

"What is it?"

"Why did you stay with us?"

The question confused Daichi and everyone else.

"What are you talking about Shikamaru?" Naruto asked the young Nara.

Shikamaru ignored Naruto's question and focused on Daichi. "I'm sure Daikoku sensei saw just how strong you are during your last Taijutsu spar with Sasuke and now you've proven that you can defeat adult ninjas."

"Where are you going with this Shikamaru?" Daichi asked.

"I'm certain Daikoku sensei must have informed the Hokage of your strength and he most certainly would have recommended you for advancing a grade and going higher. I thought for sure you would have taken that chance and you'd be in the grade above us. It's the logical thing to do. But you're here! Why?"

Shikamaru wanted to know why someone like Daichi who prioritized training and getting stronger over everything else wouldn't make use of such an opportunity and get ahead.

"Why does that matter?"

"Yeah, what gives Shikamaru?" Ino and Naruto were indignant at the question.

Some others like Sakura and Shino looked at Daichi and waited for an answer. The rest were curious but didn't care either way. They all knew Daichi's goal and were curious to hear his answer though.

Daichi smiled as he heard the question. "Would you believe me if I told you that I wanted to stay among my few friends."

"No. Try again." Shikamaru crossed his arms and gazed at the boy.

"You don't have to answer him Daichi. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Ino glared at Shikamaru for putting Daichi in such a spot.

"It's ok Ino. He just wanted to know. It's no big deal."

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now