Chapter 44 - Kensei and Hiruzen

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"You've certainly had an interesting day." Hiruzen started the conversation.

"Yeah... That's one way to put it." Daichi gave a subdued answer.

Noticing his lack of energy or emotions Hiruzen recalled what Daichi just went through. 'To see your friend die and be helpless to do anything about it...These emotions... It would drive someone down the wrong path if not properly dealt with.'

Just as the Hokage was about to ask how he was feeling, Daichi spoke up. "I've learned some things about Yota that I think you should know."

"Oh and what is it?" Hiruzen asked playing dumb. 'Is he really going to tell me?'

"Yota is someone who died not too long ago. He was brought back by a reanimation jutsu by the missing nin Orochimaru." Daichi said to the Hokage.

"I see... Go on. What else did you learn?"

"Yota said Orochimaru was conducting an experiment with the jutsu that brought him back. And there was someone else with him." Even before entering the room, Daichi decided to give all the information he learned from Yota to the Hokage. He wasn't going to keep quiet when there was a chance the Hokage knew about everything.

"Did the boy tell you who it was?" Hiruzen asked as if he wanted to know.

"He didn't know who it was... But he gave me a description. Male, with grey hair and has round glasses. And he wears a purple shirt." He said the same thing Yota said. He couldn't make any mistakes and give more information even though a small part of him wanted to.

Hiruzen nodded to Daichi's words. "Thank you for telling me Daichi."

The boy nodded. The Hokage noticed his hesitation and clenched fists. 'Time to see how these events have affected him.!'

"How are you feeling Daichi?" Hiruzen asked him.

Daichi stayed silent for a couple seconds before he answered with a question.

"Can I have permission to speak freely?"

"Go ahead." The Hokage nodded.

"I'm angry..." Daichi then stayed silent for a couple seconds.

Hiruzen motioned for him to continue.

"I'm angry at Orochimaru for using Yota like that... I'm angry at the Anbu ninjas for interrogating him like a criminal, I'm angry at the village for not letting him stay... And... I'm angry at myself, because I couldn't save him." Daichi stopped.

"Anger is a powerful emotion. If used correctly it can become the key to achieving your goal but if it consumes you, it will destroy you and everything around you." The Hokage said to the boy. He continued after a few seconds of silence.

"Do you think under the current circumstances, the village was wrong in not letting the boy stay?" He asked Daichi.

Daichi was silent for a minute before he answered. "Yes."


"Because he was just an innocent kid who didn't mean anyone any harm."

"Yes. But as you've said, he was Orochimaru's experiment. The jutsu that brought him back is known as the Reanimation Jutsu. It's a forbidden jutsu capable of controlling those it binds... If Yota had attacked the village under Orochimaru's orders, what do you think would have happened?" Hiruzen asked him in a neutral tone.

Daichi didn't have an answer to that. Truthfully he didn't want to answer it. 'With Yota's capabilities he would have caused a lot of damage before being stopped. And since he was a reanimation, it would have been difficult to take him down.'

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