03| The Reveal

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Suddenly Oliver began to convulse on the table we had played him on and Barry didn't hesitate for a moment as he ran over to his side. "Hold him." Barry ordered and we immediately did as he said, Felicity and I holding down his arms as Diggle steadied his legs.

"He's not going to make it." Diggle said observing Oliver's worsening condition.

"He will." Felicity responded firmly, though there was a hesitation in voice that was difficult to ignore. 

"We just need to figure out what's in his system." I replied attempting to change to tone in my voice to avoid Barry making any connections to Diane Crock. 

"I...I usually work on dead people." Barry confessed nervously. "But, I can think of four possible diagnosis for what's causing his body to react this way." He said as he checked Oliver's eyes. "Make that three possible diagnosis...two."

"Start chest compressions." Barry ordered Dig and he did just that, as Barry got a sample of Oliver's blood, that was now extremely thick. "He's suffering from intravenous coagulation. His blood is unnaturally clotting. its like maple syrup."

"You can save him right?" Felicity asked as Barry started looking around the room, before hie eyes landed on the supply shelf at the far end of the room. 

"Lucky you guys have a rat problem." He stated as he began to open the box of rat poison.

"Are you kidding?" Diggle said in disbelief at what Barry was planning to do. "That'll kill him!"

"He'll die if I don't!" He yelled back and Felicity looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.

"With the right amount it should work." I said nervously remembering that the main ingredient in rat poison was warfarin, moving to get out of Barry's way as he injected Oliver with the poison, and as it entered his blood stream he immediately stopped convulsing. Our reactions were all the same as we visibly relaxed knowing that the worst was now over. 

"Its my fault I should have gone after him sooner." I muttered as the adrenaline left my system being replaced by guilt. Felicity placed a comforting hand on my shoulder handing me a voice modifier. 

"We all know how stubborn Oliver can be, none of this is your fault." She replied sitting next to me. "Anyways both of you could have been injected if you would have gone."

"Hi, I'm..."

"Barry Allen... I know Felicity has told me very much about you." I stated looking up to see Barry standing next to me. "I brought you here, by the way you are much heavier than you look."

"Yeah maybe I should lay off the Big Belly Burger." Barry said as he began to blush.

"How about you start taking up running, It will increase your muscle density."

"Not much or a runner." He replied nervously, and I honestly couldn't understand why.

"You don't have to hold in your inner fanboy." Felicity teased trying to ease the awkwardness that was felt in the room. This was definitely an odd situation that we had never been in, the circle of people knowing Oliver's identity was limited. 

"I just have so many questions." He suddenly stated not able to withhold his excitement. 

"And I'll answer the ones I can, if you figure out the way to identify the man who did this." I replied too mentally drained to get interviewed.

"Okay, I'll get right on that." He said as he thought for a while and began to look around the room. "Do you guys have tape in here?"

"Yeah, I'll get that for you." Felicity said getting up and she handed him a roll of tape. Barry went up to Oliver's unconscious body and started inspecting it, and then placed a strip of tape on Oliver's neck.

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