44| Not Jealous

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"I'm so excited for whatever were doing tomorrow." Cisco exclaimed as the two of us were seated in the break room no one uses. I was seated on the couch while Cisco was on the floor and I began to braid his hair. "It makes me feel like an under cover agent. So badass."

"Glad your excited." I said with a laugh. Someone cleared their throat behind us and we turned around to find Barry standing in the doorway.

"Hey guys." Barry said as he sat on the coffee table in front of us.

"Sup dude." Cisco replied in a serious tone. "So, how was that lunch date?"

"Great. I mean she's amazing." He replied with a huge smile on his face. "She's fun and great."

"Well that's great." I said as I accidentally pulled on Cisco's hair.

"Girl watch the hair, do you know how long it takes to have my conditioner game this on point." Cisco replied and I couldn't contain my laugh. I looked up to find Barry looking at me and he looked away as he cleared his throat.

"Diane, so what movie do you want to watch today?" Barry asked and I gave him a confused look. "It's Tuesday, movie night?

"Barry I completely forgot, I have plans." I found myself lying, because for some reason I just didn't want to have him over.

"You do? What plans?" He asked, he seemed hurt and I knew I was acting childish.

"We're hanging out." Cisco replied catching on to my situation. "She owes me a drink."

"Yeah I promised Cisco, I'm sorry." I apologized and Barry nodded in understanding.

"It's okay, I mean there are so many Tuesdays anyway." Barry said as he got up from the table. "Well I should you know, go back to the station."

When Barry left the room Cisco turned towards me with a small smile on his face. "So what was that about. And don't say nothing."

"Ugh...I don't know, I just didn't feel like watching a movie."

"I know what it is your...jealous." Cisco said as he looked at me trying to suppress a smile.

"I am not jealous. Where would you get an idea like that?" I asked in disbelief as I got up from the couch.

"You'll admit it sooner or later. Anyways I already know what were doing tonight." He continued completely forgetting about the ridiculous look he was sporting with his braid.


Cisco came to pick me up in the company van, and when I got in the passenger seat I looked at him with an amused expression. "Nice ride."

"Ride of the year." He replied as he started the car. "So my family owns this restaurant and I swear they have the best Mexican Food of all of Central City."

When we entered the restaurant Cisco immediately made his way towards the bar in the back. I knew he wanted to continue talking about his claim that I had feeling for Barry, that he was certain that I was jealous of his date with Linda. And the truth was although I couldn't stop thinking about Barry and Linda, I really didn't feel jealousy. "Two shots."

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