15| Explosive

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The next morning after our night out was surprisingly relaxing, that's is until Barry showed up. He handed me a file that I began to look through, but it offered no help in finding our bomber. Since it was practically useless I handed the file over to Caitlin. "This is it?" I asked him, Caitlin then handed the file back to me not wanting to hold it.. "A VA file number is all the info you have on the bomber?"

"CCPD's been ordered off the case." Barry replied an annoyed look on his face as he crossed his arms.

"Well, who has the power to do that?" Caitlin asked as we both made our way towards the center of the room.

"The army." He stated simply. Some general. His name was Eiling, I think."

"General Wade Eiling." Dr. Wells corrected as he entered the room, I have always found it weird how he always enters the room in the right moment.

"You know him?" Barry asked, I walked over to him and handed him the file, he shook his head in disbelief on the fact that we were passing the file around like it was a game of hot potato.

"Yeah, I know him. About ten years ago, General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R. Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes."Dr. Wells informed, this information was all new to Barry and I, from the looks on Caitlin and Cisco's faces they remembered all this clearly. "I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable."

"He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing. Everything but the folder." He informed as he handed Dr. Wells the file.

"Well Lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records." Cisco said as he turned towards the computer and began to hack into their server. We waited as Cisco read through the files. "A lot of redacted info. But our girl's name is Bette Sans Souci, an EOD specialist for the army."

"EOD?" Caitlin questioned.

"Bombs." I told her as I took a seat next to Cisco and Caitlin just nodded in .

"Is there an address?" Barry asked eagerly.

"Hold on." Cisco said as he continued to search through their server. "Here, we go. One person in case of emergency. Cameron Scott. Inglewood."

That was all Barry needed before he sped of, leaving a gush of wind behind. My hair flew past my face and I quickly moved it out of the way. We all waited in front of the monitors to hear back from Barry. I looked over at the screen that displayed his vitals and noticed that it suddenly went offline. "Guys we have a problem." I announced, Cisco looked up at the monitor and ran to the microphone.

"Barry? Can you hear me? Barry?" Cisco continued to ask, as I continued to check if there was a problem with the suit but it was offline. It has been five minutes since he left to find our bomber and we hadn't heard back from him and we were all beginning to get anxious.

"There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answering." Caitlin said mostly trying to comfort herself.

"Barry!" I asked into the microphone as he walked into the room without his shirt, he wasn't Oliver or Roy but he still had something to show. I tried to stifle a laugh at Barry's annoyance."Barry?"

"Uh Don't ask." He answered as I handed him a shirt which he pulled over his head.

"I'm gonna ask." Cisco stated accusingly as he leaned forward on the desk. "Where's my suit?"

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