58| Triple Date

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"I'm too late." Barry exclaimed when he arrived at the site.

"Where are the bees?" Cisco asked since none of the building cameras showed any sign of them.

"I don't know. There's no sign of them." A couple of second later we began to gear the buzzing of bees from his end. "Found them. How do I get out of here?"

"Take the northeast crossway. It's the quickest way out of the building." Cisco quickly informed as he looked down at the construction plans for the building.

"Guys, they're everywhere. I'm surrounded." An out of breath Barry exclaimed. We knew we couldn't do anything from where we were, and that was the most frustrating thing. I held me breath as we continued to hear the boxing of bees, I looked over at the computer screen beside to to realize that his vitals we falling out.

"Caitlin his vitals." I told her beginning to worry.

"He's going into cardiac arrest." She diagnosed before Joe called Cisco.

"Cisco! Barry doesn't have a pulse." Joe informed in a panic. We all looked at Cisco who was frozen in place before he snapped out of it.

"Step away from him." Cisco ordered. "We need to jumpstart his heart. There's a defibrillator in the suit."

"Charge it to 360 joules." Caitlin ordered as Dr. Wells set up the defibrillator.

"Charging in three, two, one." He counted down before releasing the charge but there was no change in his vitals.

"Hit him again. 400 joules."

"Charging in three, two, one." And this time around his vitals finally stabilized causing us all to release a sigh of relief.


"That is it for the defibrillator." Cisco informed as he placed the suit back in its display. "It is completely fried."

"You're lucky to be alive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells said as everyone surrounded Barry while I had my arms crossed across my chest watching the scene in front of me.

"Diane you're mad." Barry said as his eyes settled on me.

"Why would you say that?" I replied as I took a couple steps towards him.

"Because you have that look on your face that tells me that well...your mad."

"You died out there." I suddenly exclaimed and Barry's face seemed to soften a bit.

"It was only for a minute." Barry defended as if that would make everything better.

"Yeah that's not a very good argument." Caitlin commented as she walked away with a blood sample.

"Come on I don't want to fight." Barry said causing me to look at him in shock.

"Fight? What makes you think I want to fight?" I said keeping my voice steady. "I've hardly spoken a word to you."

"Well I can say that your silence is a lot more scary than you yelling at me." He exclaimed before he sighed. "Cisco, what happened out there? I followed your directions exactly."

"I'm sorry. I led you the wrong way." Cisco apologized, guild written all over his features. "The schematics that we had, they they weren't up to date."

"What, they weren't up to date? What do you mean?" Barry rambled in a panicked tone. "That's never happened before."

"What, you think Cisco was trying to get you killed?" Felicity joked.

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