10| Old Friends, New Enemies

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From across the room the Operation board beeped causing be look up from my Scrabble board. "This isn't even remotely anatomically correct." Caitlin complained as Barry was zooming around the room. I on the other hand was actually enjoying myself, we never did anything fun back in Starling other than always fighting criminals and getting into arguments with each other.

"That's not the point, Dr. Snow." Wells said as he debated his next move on his on going game of chess.

"Then what is the point?" Caitlin argued completely annoyed that she wasn't able to win such a simple game that was designed under her specialty.

"To have fun." Barry responded happily, he could really be childish at times.

"And to continue your ongoing training by testing the speed of your mind by pushing your ability to multitask." Dr. Wells reminded us that it wasn't supposed to be all fun and games.

"I win." I announced as I finalized my last word, Barry rushed over and analyzed the board before he gave me a defeated look.

"I want a rematch." Barry said looking me straight in the eye, and for the first time since I've known him I realized that he had green eyes.

"Okay, but you're still going to loose." I replied confidently as I sat back watching him play against the others.

"We'll see about that." He replied with a confident smile, before he had a chance to move onto the next station the screen at the center of the room began to give off and alert.

"Heads up! I think we got something." Cisco said stopping his game of ping pong to investigate what the computers were picking up on.

"Hey, cool it." Dr. Wells said before Barry had a chance to leave. "Checkmate."

"Wait, checkmate?" Barry said in amazement at the fact that he lost at yet another game.

"Checkmate." Dr. Wells repeated. "I guess we still have a few things left to learn, don't we, Mr. Allen?"

"Armed robbery at 4th and Collins." I yelled out to get him moving.

"For the record, I crushed it in operation and ping pong." Barry stated right before he rushed out of the room. I began to collect all the tiles from the game board when another beep came from across the room.

"It's not as easy as it looks." Caitlin defended when she realized all eyes were on her. After we helped Barry with the armed robbery problem we spent the next couple of minutes trying to track down out thieves.

"The janitor didn't show up today." Cisco said taking a seat next me. "You know what the means? You and me will have to clean up the place later."

"And why does it have to be me?" I replied as I analyzed some of the cities security cameras.

"Because you've spent the last couple of minutes nonstop looking for these guys and you need a break." He replied seeming concerned, but he just didn't understand that the only reason I came here in the first place was to help them. Although I had the feeling that they would do just fine without me, the only thing that was really the problem was that Barry had the speed but he just hasn't developed the skills yet.

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