36| The Return and Departure

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I woke up the next morning feeling worse than the night before, and I had to fight the urge to stay in bed. When I stepped into the hideout I only saw Felicity blankly staring at her computer screen. She turned around when she heard my heels clicking against the floor. "Looks like that nap didn't help you at all." Felicity said with a forced smile. "You look worse than when you left."

"Thanks for being so honest." I replied sarcastically as I took a seat next to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked slowly, and I only shook my head in response. "I'm sorry for what I said before I left."

"It doesn't matter." I said quickly with a sigh.

"Okay, you really need to talk about whatever is going on with you." Felicity insisted. "You're clearly tormenting yourself about it."

"I just...I don't even know what's going on." I admitted as I stared absently ahead of me. "But your right I do need to talk about it. Last night Barry came over and...I don't really know what happened...because suddenly I found myself kissing him."

"To be completely honest, I'm not surprised." Felicity said as she shook her head in what seemed like disappointment. "And I'm not talking about you kissing him...which wasn't really a surprise either. But that's not the point. The point is I'm not surprised that you're pushing away your feelings."

"Whatever it is I feel, it doesn't matter." I said finally looking her in the eye. "I can't give him that perfect relationship. He deserves so much better than a girl who can't give him everything."

"That's what you don't understand he isn't looking for that perfect relationship all he wants is to be with you." Felicity exclaimed and from the way that she was getting emotional I knew that this wasn't about Barry and I anymore. "You can't, not act on those feelings. Because next thing you Barry might get killed by his nemesis, or you might get taken away by the League and he'll never see you again."

At that point Felicity broke down in tears for the first time since Oliver left. I leaned over as I pulled her into a hug and she continued to cry on my shoulder. "It it makes you feel any better he really did love you."

"I...I just miss him so much." She continued her voice trembling.

"I know, I miss him too." I replied quietly. Suddenly we heard foot steps heading our direction, and we pulled away from the hug to see Roy standing awkwardly by the door.

"Sorry to interrupt whatever this is."Roy said as he walked towards us. "But we have a very important decision to make."

"Roy's right." Dig agreed as he also came into the room along with Laurel. "We have to decide what were going to do about Merlyn."

"Guys I've been thinking this through, and maybe working with Merlyn isn't such a bad idea." Laurel slowly suggested.

How can you even be arguing for this right now?" Felicity yelled at her in amazement for even considering the possibility.

"Because I am actually paying attention." Laurel began to explain. "Brick has the Glades under siege. He has the police running scared, he has us outnumbered and outgunned, And I am not saying let's give Malcolm a glass case of his own. All I am saying is let's use him. The same way that he wants to use us."

"To point him like a loaded gun at Brick." Dig stated simply, and I had to accept that both of them had a point.

"I hate to say this but it makes sense." I agreed seeing that we were running out of options.

"Well, A, I'm not ok with that, and B, even if I was, there has to be a better way to go about doing it than to get in bed with Malcolm Merlyn." Felicity exclaimed clearly frustrated with all of us.

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