42| Drunk Summer Nights

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~Barry's P.O.V.~

After the song was over I helped Caitlin down the steps of the stage wanting to avoid her falling over. We walked back to the bar and Caitlin quickly stumbled her way over to pick up another drink. "You're fast and you can sing? What can't you do?" Caitlin slurred as she drank the entire drink.

"Stop you guys from drinking, apparently." I replied as I looked over at Diane who already was getting started on what seemed like another round.

"Guys!" She exclaimed as she looked at Caitlin and I with a wide smile. "You guys were amazing. Caitlin you sing like an angel."

I smiled, I have never seen this side of her and although I wouldn't change anything about her seeing this side of her was fun. "You seem a lot more drunk than when I left you here." I accused as I put my hand on her back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Diane replied as she shook her head innocently. "And why didn't you tell me you could sing?"

She was about to reach for another drink but I took it away from her. "What made you start drinking again?"

"Well you did." Diane simply stated before she looked over at Caitlin who had her head against the counter. I put my finger under her chin and turned her head to face me again.

"What did you say?" I asked her maybe a little to hopeful that she might actually fave feelings towards me.

"Did you know girl find guys who can sing very attractive." Although that wasn't the answer I was looking for I felt a smile spread across my face.

"You think I'm attractive?"

"You ask so many questions." Diane complained before she touched the tip of my nose with her finger. "But if you must know...yes."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Caitlin announced as he got up from her stool.

"I'll go with you." Diane said as she hopped of the stool.

"Diane wait." I said as I reached for her hand.

"Barry you should close out the tab." She replied as she pulled her hand away.

"You want me to pay for you two getting drunk?" I said with a laugh.

"That's exactly what I want." She confirmed as she walked off with Caitlin. I watched them as they made it to the restroom and the smile on my face slipped away when I realized that the tab was probably going to end up being really expensive.

I turned back towards the barista who ignored me the last time and sighed. "Okay. Can I close out my tab, please?"

"Hey, Stevie." A girl beside me called after the barista and he immediately turned around. "Can my friend here tap out?"

"Sure thing, Linda." He replied before he got back to work.

"Uh, thank you, Linda." I said as she looked at me with a a smile.

"You're welcome, Barry." She replied and I was stunned at the fact that she knew my name when I've never seen her before.

"How do you know my name?" I whispered becoming suspicious of who she was.

"Barry. Barry. Barry." She imitated what happened earlier.

"Yeah sorry about us up there." I apologized from embarrassment. "That's..."

"Are you kidding? No, that was some of the best singing that I've heard come from that stage." She quickly exclaimed and I was starting to believe that maybe she was flirting with me. "You definitely made my ears happy. Don't worry."

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