47| Surprises

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Barry and I were seated on my couch as Caitlin and Ronnie settles into their room. I looked over at Barry as he starred straight ahead with a distant look in his eyes. "Barry should we have not told you?"

"No, I had to know." He replied as he finally looked at me

"It's just that you've been through so much and you already have a lot on your plate. I don't want you worrying more than you should..."

"Like I said I had to know." Barry insisted with a sad look in his eyes. "Don't worry about me."

"Its kind of hard not to do that when you're looking and me like a sad puppy." I told him causing a small smile to form on his lips.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you when you were actually trying to help solve my mom's case." He said and I smiled back at him remembering our little fight. "Thank you for doing it, you don't know how much it means to me."

"Of course." I replied.

"Can I ask you something?" Barry asked curiously and I nodded for him to continue. "How did you know that the blood in the house belonged to me? You would have had to have tested it specifically."

"Cisco and I tested it against everyone who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs." I replied Barry's face suddenly turning serious.

"You wanted to know if it belonged to Wells? Dr. Wells had nothing to do with my mom's murder." He continued defensively and I sighed.

"I mean...I know that now." I replied slowly.

"Now that the evidence proves it?" Barry asked but it was more of a surprised statement. "Why would you ever think that Dr. Wells would be involved in any of this?"

"I don't know, I just feel like he's hiding something." I admitted as I ran my hand through my hair. "But that doesn't matter anymore. I was wrong."

"You admitting you were wrong?" Barry asked with fake enthusiasm. "Didn't think that was possible."

"Haha very funny." I said as I shoved him away.

"Who's craving pizza?" Ronnie asked as he and Caitlin walked into the living room. "Because I definitely am."


We all ran into the Cortex after Dr. Wells called us saying the General Eiling got into S.T.A.R Labs and took Professor Stein. "He didn't hurt you?" Barry asked the second that he spotted Dr. Wells.

"Barry, I told you only my pride is hurt." Dr. Wells replied and I still felt that he was lying but he had no reason to. "Unfortunately, I'm not in the position to take on armed soldiers."

"Where do you think Eiling took Professor Stein?" I asked not really believing his act on the slightest.

"I imagine some off-the-books military research facility." Wells replied.

"We have to get him back." Barry declared as he began to walk towards his suit.

"Easy Eiling has already demonstrated he has the weaponry to disable The Flash, or worse." Wells reminded him before he got any ideas.

"Well, we can't let him turn Stein into a weapon." Barry countered as he began to pace around the room.

"How do we find him?" I asked, we all looked down to come up with any ideas before we all simultaneously looked up at Ronnie.

"What?" Ronnie asked and Caitlin immediately took him into her medical lab and connected hi to a machine to check on his brain waves.

"No abnormal brain activity. All vitals steady." She concluded in frustration.

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