28| Facing the Past

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I rushed out of the car and ran inside the building to find Cisco and Caitlin staring anxiously at the monitors. I looked around and noticed it was extremely quiet. Caitlin looked up from the screen and looked at me in shock. "Diane you're shoulder, what happened?"

At first I didn't know what she was talking about until I looked at my shoulder and saw that blood was seeping through my shirt. "It's nothing the stitches must have ripped." I quickly brushed off as I walked further into the room.

"What...but why?" Caitlin asked and something was clearly bothering her.

"There's another speedster and..."

"Yeah we know." Cisco said as he looked back at one of the computers. "We just caught him."

"What?!" I explained as I made my way behind Cisco who was sitting down watching some video footage intently. "Where's Barry?" I asked thinking that out of everyone he would be the one that would want to be here the most.

"We thought it would be better if he wasn't here." Caitlin replied and I nodded in understanding. Cisco increased the volume on the footage and we all kept quite as we watched the man in yellow trapped surrounded by the CCPD.

"What do you want with the tachyonic particles?" Dr. Wells asked as he moved himself closer to the trapped man

"My goals are beyond your understanding."

"Oh, I don't know, I'm a pretty smart guy. I knew you were exceptionally fast, so any trap we manufactured would have to be invisible." Dr. Wells stated confidently and there was in the way that he said his words that almost sounded rehearsed. "I knew your cells could repair themselves at extraordinary speeds, so you could withstand the damage this is doing to your body right now."

"The super capacitors the containment field is fluctuating." Cisco informed us as he tried to fix the problem.

"They need to get out of there now." I told them knowing how dangerous this man can actually be.

"The reason I know all this is because your powers are almost exactly like those of The Flash."

"Dr.Wells, evacuate! Get out of there now!" Caitlin yelled into the speaker clearly scared for her boss.

"Oh, I'm not like The Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse." The other speedster said before he pulled Dr. Wells into the trap and began attacking him.

"Cisco, turn off the barrier!" Joe demanded.

I turned towards Cisco and shook my head. "Who knows what that thing will do if you let it out."

"If I turn it off, that thing's gonna get out." Cisco told Joe, I could tell this was difficult for him but he also knew it was the right thing to do.

"Cisco, he's gonna kill Wells!" Joe yelled and at that moment we watched as Joe picked up a pipe and began destroying the controls breaking down the barrier.

"I'm calling Barry." Caitlin said in a panic as she pulled out her phone. In a second there was a rush of wind the flew by the Cortex then suddenly it came again with a yellow and red blur. We all instinctively ran outside to witness what was going on. At first all we could see was the combination of a red and yellow blur until the slowed down and began to fight. It was clear that Barry was at an disadvantage by the way that he just wasn't fast enough.

"Barry!" I heard Caitlin yelled and that's when I got out of my state of shock and ran towards the two speedsters. The man in yellow was choking Barry on the ground, he knew I was coming towards them because he quickly came from behind me and had me in a choke hold. I elbowed him in the rib causing him to loosen his hold and I gripped his shoulders flipping him over on his back.

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