64| The Reverse Flash

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"Okay, can we go over this one more time?" Cisco asked nervously as he paced around Barry's lab later that night.

"Yeah, you put the glasses on, fall asleep, and start dreaming. Not that hard." Caitlin repeated handing him the glasses which he took with unease.

"Yeah, except I'm pretty sure I die in this dream." He continued to mumble. "If I go back into it, am I gonna die in real life? I mean, what are we talking about here? Is this Inception or Dreamscape?"

Hearing enough of all his nervous rambling I took the glass of milk that Joe gave me and extended it towards Cisco. "Here. Drink this."

"What, am I five?"

"Just drink it." I ordered him making him know that I wasn't going to take no as an answer.

"Okay, I'll drink it." He complied taking the glass of milk from my hands and drinking it all in seconds.

"You're gonna be fine, Cisco." Caitlin continued to assure him as he played down on the bed. "The glasses are emitting a low-level delta wave which should help you fall asleep."

"Okay. I got to warn you, though, usually it takes me a long time." Cisco continued as his mumbling started to slow down and his eyes slow began to close. "I mean I'm not saying I'm, like an insomniac or any..."

"Ah, so that's how you get him to shut up." Joe commented with a chuckle.

"He's entering REM. It's working." Caitlin informed continuously checking on his vitals.

"Cisco. Can you hear me?" Barry asked as he took a seat beside Cisco. "You're dreaming, bud."

"Whoa. Guys, this is mad freaky." Cisco suddenly replied his eyes still closed telling us that this was actually working. "Um, in the Cortex. I mean, I know I'm just dreaming that I'm in the Cortex, but it feels so real."

"What is dream you doing?"

"Caitlin just left. I asked her to take Wells to Jitters. Diane and I are walking down the hallway."

"Why...why do you want Wells out of the lab?" Barry asked.

"I think he might have tampered with my work. I need to check. Okay. Okay, I'm walking to the bunker. Oh, man, I love this shirt. I thought the dryer ate it."

"Focus, Cisco."

"Okay, okay. All right. Now I'm running tests on the containment system. This data It doesn't make any sense. All the supercapacitors They were all still fully charged. There's absolutely no reason that the Man in Yellow should have escaped. Oh, my God. It was just a hologram. He tricked us. Oh, God, Wells is here."

"Cisco, it's just a dream. He can't hurt you?"

"You better be right about that. Eobard Thane?" He suddenly said and Joe stood up form his seat. "You killed Nora Allen."

"Nora? What about my mom?"

"He's confessing." Cisco mumbled causing Barry to look up in surprise. "He he didn't want to kill her. It was you, Barry. He was trying to kill you."

"His blood pressure's 200 and his heart rate is 147." Caitlin warned when Cisco began to become uneasy. "Guys, he's losing higher brain function."

"Cisco, you're gonna be okay. It's just a dream. You're gonna be okay." I told him as I held onto his hand.

"His hand It's vibrating. He's gonna kill...his going to kill! Oh, God." Cisco began to yell.

"He's gonna have a stroke." Caitlin exclaimed in worry. "Get him out of there!"

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