67| Motives

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"Diane." I heard Barry whisper in my ear and I only groaned in response. "Diane, you have to wake up."

"No." I mumbled in annoyance I opened one eye to check on the clock and when I saw that it was five in the morning I was determined not to get up from this bed.

"Come on." Barry insisted as he kissed my shoulder but I ignored him. "Cisco called apparently its an emergency."

I flipped over to face him as I let my head fall on his chest in annoyance. "I don't want to."

"Come on you know we have too." He continued I looked up at him to find a grin on his face and I rolled my eyes as I rolled off of the bed. "Don't be like that."

"I hardly sleep because of you. Do you know how many hours I spend in S.T.A.R. Labs everyday?" I asked in annoyance as I slipped into a pair of jeans.

"I know. I know." Barry said as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I promise that when all of this is over you can sleep in as long as you want."

"Whatever." I mumbled as Barry laughed resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You really aren't a morning person." He joked kissing me cheek and the next second he was already changed.

"You know sometimes you really irritate me."


"So what is this about?" I asked as we walked into the Cortex where Cisco was standing next to Wells' wheelchair.

"I kept asking myself, why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?" Cisco asked me.

"Sympathy, I suppose." I replied to tired to take him seriously at the moment.

"That's what I thought at first, but he's the Man in Yellow. He's the Reverse-Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason."

"Yeah, it was a misdirect. Just like everything else Wells has done." Joe stated and Cisco nodded as he flipped the wheelchair over on its side. "I mean, the last person we'd suspect to be the Man in Yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs."

"That's exactly right, Joe. Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair. And that's when I found this." Cisco continued as he opened up the side of the wheelchair to reveal a glowing yellow device on the inside.

"Damn. You can't get that at Radio Shack." Joe commented as he took a closer look at the object.

"Looks like the tech inside Gideon." Barry observed.

"I measured the output, and this thing is kicking off serious juice. I mean, we're talking enough to power all of Central City."

"Seriously?" Joe questioned in surprise and Cisco only nodded in response. "What do you think Wells was using it for?"

"I think this thing is some kind of battery." Cisco hypothesized.


"As in, Wells was using it to power himself. To gain more speed. And that's why he's so much faster than you." Cisco clarified when suddenly one of the alarms went off, immediately Cisco rushed to the computers to find out what set of the alarm. "The accelerator, it's been reactivated."

"It can't be." Caitlin said in disbelief as we all crowded around Cisco.

"It had to have been rebuilt." I concluded looking at someone for confirmation.

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