33| Not Your Call

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I kept drifting in and out sleep the whole night, just like I have for the past three days. Without opening my eyes I reached over and pulled a blanket over myself, I was about to drift of again when I felt someone behind me. I knew it couldn't have been Roy because he always knocks, so I slowly reached under my pillow and pulled out one of my blades.

When I felt a hand on my shoulder I quickly twisted the persons hand as I flipped them over the bed. Climbing over them I put the blade against their throat, it took a while for my eyes sight to focus but when it did my eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Barry exclaimed and I threw the blade to the other side of the bed as I put a finger to my lips telling him to keep quite.

"Whats wrong with me?" I asked in a hushed tone. "What's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm not the one going ninja on someone and putting a knife against their throat?" He replied in an equally hushed voice.

"Really?" I said as I quickly scrambled off of him. "I'm not the one breaking in to someone's apartment at..." I stopped to check the time before I turned back to him. "3 o'clock in the morning."

Barry sat up from the bed as he thought the situation over. "Okay, maybe you're right. But still!"

"Will you keep it down." I said as I walked over to my door. "You'll wake Roy up."

I opened the door and looked down the hallway to make sure the Roy was still in his room . Once everything seemed clear I shut the door and turned back towards Barry who was standing awkwardly near the foot of my bed. "So you and Roy are like...you know...together?"

"Roy and I?" I repeated feeling stunned. "Roy and I...we're...we're friends."

"Friends?" Barry repeated.

"Yeah." I confirmed still feeling this awkward environment between the two of us. "But you can say that we're more than just that."

"More?" He repeated again.

"He's everything to me." I continued.


"Yes." I said staring to get a bit annoyed. "Will you stop repeating everything I say?"

"Uhh yeah." Barry said as he looked down at his feet. I looked at him waiting for an explanation on why exactly he was here but it never came.

"Barry, what are you doing here?" I finally asked walking closer to him.

"Right...well." He began as he began to rub the back of his neck nervously. "I'm here...because well...because I miss you."He rambled quickly as he began to suddenly pace around in front of me. "I miss walking into S.T.A.R Labs and seeing you there, I miss you talking about science with Cisco and Caitlin, I even miss you scolding me when I do something reckless...and well I just had to see you again."

I pursed my lips together as I took all his words in, I took a couple steps forward until I was right in front go him and I pulled him into a hug. "I've missed you too Barry." At first he stiffened and then he slowly wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer.

"You do?" He said sounding surprised.

"Of course I do." I told him softly. "You've been a good friend."

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly not pulling away. For some reason him being here felt refreshing. Like everything that was going on wasn't as horrible as it actually was, and I could actually breath again. "Tell me what's wrong Diane."

I put my hands on his chest as I slowly pulled him away. Maybe telling someone else who wasn't as emotionally involved as everyone else in Starling would actually make me feel better or at least some relief. "It's...umm...it's Oliver. He's...he's gone Barry. He's gone."

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