16| Midnight Rendezvous

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I was alone in the Cortex looking over some files while the rest of the team was out. I was flipping through some pages as I walked over to the main panel, suddenly a huge gust of wind had me on the floor. I took me a second to register what happened, Barry's limp body was on top of mine and he was groaning in pain as the papers that I was holding a few seconds ago were scattered all over the room. I tried to sit up but he groaned in response, his face was buried in the crook of my neck and I could feel the blood on his face. "Okay, Barry I'm going to get up now."

I put on hand a around his torso and the other on his back as I lifted both of us up. "Has anyone told you your alot heavier than you look."

Barry slowly looked up at me in suprise. "There is one person." I took a step and he let out a painful groan.

"It's okay Barry I got you." I comforted him and he nodded. I began to walk him towards the medical bed when I heard the rest of the team in the hallway.

"Barry? Barry? Are you okay?" Caitlin exclaimed as she ran towards us. when I got to the foot of the medical bed I help Barry sit down as Cisco helped him put his feet up. As Caitlin was setting up the monitors Barry passed out, leaving us to wait for him to regain consciousness. "That's a new record, and that's just in your hand. You also have a concussion, three cracked ribs, and a bruised spleen. Even with your powers, you'll need a few hours to heal."

"What exactly did you hit?" Dr. Wells asked Barry who was still sitting on the medical bed with his hand completely casted.

"A man. A big, bad man." Barry replied in almost a childish way. "His skin changed when I hit him.Like, it turned to metal."

"Interesting. A man of steel." Dr. Wells said pensively.

"So you went after a meta-human alone?" I asked a bit annoyed with him

"Yeah dude, why didn't you call us?" Cisco asked.

"I didn't know what he was. Besides, I was off-duty." Barry explained, Caitlin and I shared a look knowing fully well what he was doing on his time off.

"You're lucky he didn't knock out your teeth. Those puppies don't grow back." Cisco joked as he stood next to me.

"The strange thing is I feel like I knew him." Barry told us.

"What do you mean?"

"He said something that was familiar, but he's gonna hurt someone if we don't stop him." He answered thoughtfully. "So how do I fight a guy that's made of steel?"

"We will find a way. Tonight, you heal." Dr. Wells ordered, before he left to go home. Cisco left with Caitlin, and it was my turn to close up the lab.

"Good night Barry." I said to Barry who was still laying on the bed with a pout on his face.

"Your going to leave me here alone?" I he asked before I turned off all the light to the building.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to do." I said before turning off all the lights, leaving Barry in complete darkness.


I came into work this morning to find Cisco sitting in the middle of his shop surrounded by scrap metal. "What are you working on now?" I asked as I picked up a scrap of metal.

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