27| Unforgettable

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"You mean keep lying to us?" Barry said and I sighed as I tried not to snap at him for acting so childish.

"Barry, let Ms. Crock speak." Dr. Wells commented as he wheeled himself towards Barry. "And if you truly don't want to listen you can step outside."

Barry stood there for a moment deep in thought before he sighed and turned towards me. I took that as my cue to talk, yet I found it difficult to find a place to start. "I guess I can start with saying that my name isn't Diane and that I'm not actually blonde..."

"Wait your not a real blonde?" Cisco said in complete shock. Everyone looked at Cisco so he just down on a chair.

"My real name is Artemis. I changed it when I escaped from the league..." I was going to continue when Cisco raised his hand. "Yes, Cisco?"

"What league?" He asked as he watched me carefully.

"I was born into an organization called the League of Assassins. I think you can guess what exactly we did." I replied trying to gather my thoughts to the best of my ability. There weren't many people that knew about my past, in fact the only two people who I had confided everything in were Roy and Oliver. And although I was going to tell them some aspects of my life, I was not willing to tell them my whole story. I cared for them, but they were not Oliver and Roy. "They told us that we killed those who disrupted the natural order and for the longest time I believed it...but then I realized that what we were doing was wrong. It wasn't until my..." I looked down hating that I even had to mention her. "my mother was released from her duties with the league that she took me with her. That I had the courage to abandon my duties."

"You've never talked about your parents." Caitlin commented in a soft voice.

"That's because my mother is despicable, I'm ashamed to have her blood running through my veins." I said flatly, the thought of my mother always bringing a bitterness to my tone.  "Ra's al Ghul, the leader of the League raised me as his own. My mother always has desired power, she wanted me to eventually overthrow Ra's so that she may take control of the League. I ran and began a new life in Starling where I met Roy and Oliver, became a vigilante at their side."

"I want to know more about the League." Cisco stated with almost excitement, and I couldn't help but be surprised by his casual reaction to all of this.

"The less you all know about them the better." I replied in a more serious tone. "Knowing to much can put you all in danger, it could possibly make you a target."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Caitlin asked calmly and could tell she was hurt.

"I was sent here to help you and I keep telling myself that I didn't tell any of you because it would be better that way, but it's not true." I said in disbelief with myself. "Now I realize I didn't want to because I didn't watch you to see me any differently. Like the way you are now, because now you see me as a killer, a criminal. And I've come here to say my final good-bye."

"Your leaving S.T.A.R Labs?" Cisco asked.

"No, leaving Central City... I'm going back to Starling." I stated and everyone looked at me in suprise, even Barry looked at me in shock.

"But, why!" Cisco exclaimed as he shot up from his chair.

"The only reason I came here was for help you and now you don't need me, so it's time to go back home." I explained. "Anyways this move was only supposed to be temporary."

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