38| Mission Escape

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I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was tied up to a chair with Caitlin right beside me. She looked over at me clearly scared, I took a look around the room and saw Snart playing around with a camera a couple feet away. There was a small pain in the back of my head but I ignored it as I looked at my surroundings, and I wasn't surprised to see that we were at an abandoned warehouse. I immediately untied the rope around my hands and waist and walked over to Snart I picked up a board of wood when I heard the sound of something turning on.

"I wouldn't do that sweet cheeks." Snare's partner said and when I turned around I saw as he pointed a gun I hadn't seen before at Caitlin. As I took a step forward Snart got a hold of my wrist as she pushed my back onto my chair. He began to tie me up again except this time it was with rusty chains.

"Have to take extra precautions." Snart said into my ear. "Now I should get started on phase one of my plan."

"Wow such a cliche villain." I noted and Snart only smirked.

"Better hope those pretty face of your are T.V ready." Mick continued as he helped Snart finish setting up.

"Greetings, citizens of Central City. I am Leonard Snart. But you can call me Cold." Snart said into the camera causing me to roll my eyes at how cliche he was being. "I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. That Red Streak you've been hearing whispers about, the one mysteriously saving people these past few months? Well, surprise, he's real. He calls himself the Flash. Porter and Main, tonight, sundown. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Flash. Show the whole world you're real. Or these women die."

"No, don't come for us." Caitlin exclaimed as she struggled against her chair.

"Don't do anything stupid!" I yelled out knowing that Barry would come regardless of what Caitlin asked. Mick grabbed my face forceful to turn me towards him.

"Shut up." He ordered before he let go, Snart turned of his camera as he put it on the table with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"You're seriously going to regret this." I said to the both of them.

"I'm not afraid of this Flash." Mick said as we walked back over to us.

"Well you should be." I countered as I pulled against the chains, I wanted to get out of then but I knew that it would be to risky.

Mick pulled up a chair in front of Caitlin as she began to struggle again. "Stay away!"

"You're a friends of his, huh?" Mick said as he pulled out a lighter and began to put his hand over the flame. "He's fast Like fire. Fire, it's undefinable. Heat, light, energy. It's an evolution when things burn."

"You're sick." Caitlin exclaimed in disgust from the look the Mick had on his face.

"Maybe you're the sick ones. You ever think about that" He yelled at the two of us.

"No not really." I replied in annoyance.

"You've got a mouth on you." He said inches away from my face. "That's just gunna get you hurt."

"I could say the same about your lack of brain cells." I said in a challenging tone.

"Why to little..."

"You've got third-degree burns." Caitlin said quickly as a way to distracting Mick. "Why didn't you get skin grafts?"

"The fire revealed my true self, showed me who I really am. I wonder what your Flash will reveal when I burn his suit and skin off." He said as he looked over at me and that when I really snapped.

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