74| Shattered Endings

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"We don't have much time." Merlyn said as we all rushed into one of the rooms of Palmer Tech.

"For what?" Diggle asked in annoyance as we all set our things down. "I thought you said Oliver had a plan."

"Yeah, and in the event that it doesn't work, he has a back-up...us." Merlyn continued to explain as he looked at every single one of us in the eye. "John, let's determine the status of our arsenal. Laurel, go to your father; start mobilizing the police. Mr. Palmer, I need you to find something that will neutralize an airborne contagion. Miss Smoak, let's find out where our League of Assassin friends might be. Ms. Crock you and I will scout the streets." He said giving everyone orders but we all stayed in place. "I'm sorry. Did I mumble?"

"Oliver trusted him." I reminded everyone regardless of whether I did or not. "We follow his lead. For now."

"Thank you." He told me.

"I'm doing this for the city not you." I replied my hatred for him still strong.

"Of course."

"Ah, guys, I set up a proximity alarm to detect an unauthorized entry to this level." Ray informed us as he was hunched over a computer. "It's going off like crazy."

Nyssa suddenly dropped from the vents later followed by Oliver. They both steadied themselves before giving us their full attention

"John..." Oliver didn't have a chance to finish as Diggle punched him across the face.

"You son of a bitch!" Diggle yelled as Oliver struggled to pick himself off from the floor. Nyssa raised her bow and pointed an arrow at Dig.

"Nyssa it's okay." I assured her and she nodded before lowering her bow.

"Maybe we should give these guys the room." Ray suggested as he Laurel, Nyssa, and Merlyn left the room.

"So when are you two going to plan your honeymoon?" Felicity asked with her arms crossed in annoyance, and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Felicity if this will get you to shut up then I'll tell you." I told her in irritation. "Our marriage is only valid in the League. So outside of the League its like it never happened."

She crossed her arms over her chest and didn't reply clearly irritated so Diggle took this as a sigh to continue talking. "What the hell's going on, Oliver? Start talking!"

"The reason that I have kept Malcolm close for the past several months is because he had critical Intel on our enemy. He knows Ra's. He knows the League. And he knew that if I was appointed his successor, that meant Starling City was marked for death." Oliver told us looking at each of us in the eyes. "The only way that we were going to defeat the League was from the inside. I had to get close enough to Ra's to find out how he was going to destroy the city And stop him."

"You trusted Malcolm Merlyn more than you did the three people closest to you!" Dig continued to exclaim in disbelief.

"John, it wasn't about trust! It was about making sure that you all were safe." He argued slowly. "I had to keep the circle as small as possible."

"How did you expect to repair all this once you got back?"

"I didn't. I flew with Ra's and the virus to Starling and I sabotaged the plane. The plan was to kill Ra's and destroy the virus." Oliver explained and it all started to make sense. "It didn't work."

"How did you expect to survive the plane crash?" Felicity exclaimed.

"He didn't." I said as I began to become angry myself. "That's why you didn't want me to go with you. You didn't want me on that plane."

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