73| Falling Apart

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We all followed Ra's into another room were Nyssa was waiting and I felt myself sigh in relief knowing that she was okay. "Do you recognize this?" Ra's asked Oliver as he held up a tube of a liquid that I didn't recognize.

"The Alpha and Omega bioweapon." Oliver replied looking straight ahead and ignoring my questioning eyes.

"You will unleash this on Starling City. The Romans call it vastatio. The systemic destruction of a land to insure its subjugation. And what they found was that immolation left a blank slate to build anew." He continued to explain and I shook my head in horror at the thought of the destruction of Starling. "Until you have destroyed your home and severed all ties from your old life, can you begin anew. This shall also help my daughter severe her tires with her past life as well."

"You can't destroy an entire city!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"I can and I will." Ra's replied turning his attention towards me. "And you'll be there to witness it. To watch that beloved city of yours fall." He put the tube back in the case. "I did not foresee the day that Maseo Yamashiro appeared at my door." Ra's said turing towards Maseo. Now that Ra's had hid back towards us I could see the panic and surprise in Oliver's eyes. "You had the courage to demand an audience of me. And those who do usually offer money and treasure in exchange for my favor. But you gave me the Alpha and Omega."

"The plane is en route. It will be ready within a week, as you've commanded." Maseo informed Ra's who seemed pleased with himself as he turned back towards Oliver.

"You will marry my daughter, and you will ascend to Ra's al Ghul, and then you will fly to Starling City carrying death itself."

Ra's lead me into another the armory where he have me special league armor. "This is only the first step my daughter."

Without another word I went into the other room and changed coming out with my old suit in my hands. Ra's took it from me letting it fall to the floor as Maseo lit a match as the suit went up in flames, my eyes widened as I suddenly thought about how Cisco would kill me if he ever found out about this. He looked at me with satisfaction until he reached out for the charm bracelet around my wrist, before he could even touch it I got a hold of his wrist.

The thought of him tainting an object that was so precious to me making me sick to my stomach. It was a gift Roy had given me many years ago, when we were still two teenagers on the streets of The Glades. I always had my suspicions that he has stolen it but never cared to ask, every year on my birthday he gifted me with a new charm. It was something I rarely too off, unless it was to go on a mission afraid of damaging it.

"The bracelet stays." I said firmly making it clear that it wasn't up for negotiation.

"Then it stays but not on your person." I sighed before taking the bracelet off and putting it in my pocket. "This is going to be simple. You gain the upper hand there will be no consequences, you loose then this man will die." Ra's stated as a man from probably a nearby village was forced into the room and pushed down on his hands and knees.

"What type of sick game is this?" I asked in disgust.

"One that will bring you one step closer to the warrior you once were." Ra's replied as he picked up a blade. "Choose your weapon."

I walked over to the wall which held a variety of blades picking a random one and walking in front of Ra's again. He went for the first attack the I quickly blocked we continued going back and forth before his blade cut my arm causing him do gain the advantage as hit the back of my knee causing me to fall forward.

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