69| Life Changing Decisions

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"The rare opportunity to go back in time and right a wrong and save your mother's life quite the paradox Harrison has presented you with, Mr. Allen." Professor Stein stated after Barry finished telling us everything he just discussed with Wells.

"The chance to be with someone you love? Seems pretty cut and dry to me." Caitlin said looking up at Ronnie.

"At first blush, Dr. Snow, it would appear so, but this gift has unparalleled risk." He continued clearly in disbelief with what we were dealing with here. "Barry, the night your mother died, the night you saved yourself from being killed, that event altered the timeline you were already on and changed the course of history."

"So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel universe?" Cisco asked in simpler terms.

"Just like when I time traveled before." Barry continued.

"But he only changed one day that time." I reminded them, this idea already sounding horrible.

"Exactly. Now imagine 15 years of compounded experiences. One different decision, no matter how big or small, impacts everything that follows." Stein began to explain as he waved his hand around. "Moments upon moments, choices upon choices. No relationships, nothing would be as it is today, and you'd be the only one to remember any of it."

"So if I go back and save my mom, my dad doesn't go to prison." Barry said slowly as he took everything in. "I never live with Joe and Iris..."

"You might never meet me, or Diane or Caitlin or Ronnie." Cisco continued as I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought of how drastically all our lives would change if Barry actually went through with this.

"Truth is, there's no real way of knowing what your life will be." Professor Stein admitted.

"There's no choice here, Barry. You have to do this. You gotta change the past." Joe said before walking out of the room.

"Joe?" Barry questioned before going after him. The rest of us stayed there taking everything in before Cisco stood up from his seat.

"You guys don't really agree with any of this do you?" He asked looking at each of us in the eye in disbelief.

"I think he should do it." Caitlin said said firmly. "This is all Barry has fought for."

"Caitlin no one asked for your opinion. Well at least not when its a horrible one." Cisco mumbled in annoyance.

"I think this is an incredibly stupid idea." I stated earning several nods of agreement from Cisco. And although I part of me wanted to be selfish and ask him not to do it, I know I couldn't do that to him. "But I feel that this is something he has to do...for himself."

"I would have to agree this is a decision that can only be decided by Mr. Allen himself." Professor Stein assured as he pushed his glasses up.

"Well I passionately oppose this idea." Cisco declared sitting back down. After the room fell into an uncomfortable silence until Barry entered the Cortex again

"Diane." Barry said and he didn't have to say anything to else to know that he needed to talk. I talked over to him before we both entered the treadmill room closing the door behind us.

"What do you think I should do? I need someone to tell me." Barry asked me with desperation and confusion in his voice. "Joe says I should do it. But this is just so big."

"Honestly I'm just as conflicted as you are about this whole thing." I admitted as we both sat down on the edge of the treadmill. "But if I have to give you an answer I would have to say that you have to do what you think is right. Do what your heart tells you, and don't let anyone else influence that decision. You already do so much for others, its time you do something for yourself, for what makes you happy."

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