24| Road Trip

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I walked into S.T.A.R Labs that morning and got ambushed my Caitlin and Cisco. "Finally you get here." Cisco exclaimed, I quickly checked the time and was surprised to see I was ten minutes early.

"We've been waiting for you all morning." Caitlin continued, and I had a feeling that they were over exaggerating. "We have something we need to ask you."

I looked at the pair suspiciously, since I've hardly ever seen them this excited about something. "Okay ask."

"We have to go to Starling City." Caitlin quickly stated.

"And why is that?" I asked slowly as I looked between to two.

"Well, remember that Felicity asked me to analyze the DNA of the arrow that killed the Canary." She quickly continued as Cisco waited impatiently. "Well, we have to pick it up."

"Felicity told me the she was going to mail it over here." I told them as I walked around them and to my desk.

"Okay truth is we want to see the Arrow Cave. No, we need to see it." Cisco confessed as he moved in front of me.

"Okay never call it that in front of Oliver." I informed them as I sat down and started up my computer. Suddenly my chair spun around and I was faced with an excited Cisco.

"So is that a yes!" He said jumping with excitement.

"I never said that. Oliver would kills us if we went down there. No scratch that he would kill me for taking you guys down there." I stated and Cisco's and Caitlin's faces quickly fell with disappointment.

"Come on we bought our train tickets and everything, we even got you one." Cisco continued with a pout. "Are you sure there's nothing you could do?"

I thought about it for a moment and I knew there was only one person who Oliver wouldn't be able to say no to. "Well, there is someone we would have to see first, but you guys have to promise to behave yourselves. Team Arrow is nothing like Team Flash, its not all fun and games like it is here."

"Okay whatever you say." He replied before he got a hold of my arm and began to push me out towards the exits with Caitlin not to far behind.

"Wait did you tell Dr. Wells or Barry." I asked wondering if we even had permission to skip out for a day.

"Of course we got it all taken care of." Caitlin assured me, and although I was a bit skeptical this reassurance was coming from Caitlin and I knew she wouldn't do anything irresponsible.


"Why are we going to see Felicity first?" Caitlin asked as we walked into Palmer Tech.

I pushed the button on the elevator for the top floor where Felicity's office was located. "Because Oliver has a soft spot for Felicity." I told Caitlin and Cisco who hadn't stopped smiling from excitement since we stepped off of the train. "And he can't say no to her."

"Wow, that's genius!" Cisco exclaimed as he clapped his hands together. "It's obvious Oliver has a thing for Felicity, almost obvious that Barry has a thing for y..."

Cisco didn't get to finish his sentence because Caitlin smacked him on the head. "Owww...." Cisco exclaimed, and I ignored their bickering as I stepped out of the elevator and made my way towards Felicity's office. As I made a turn towards her office Cisco and Caitlin quickly caught up and walked quickly ahead of me and towards her office.

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