11| Always By Your Side

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We headed towards the Cortex where Dr. Wells was watching the monitors on a robbery. Apparently the theif was armed with a machine that had the ability to freeze anything, and it didn't take much to know that it was Cisco's stolen device. A few seconds later Felicity scrambled into the room breathing heavily.

"Wow I really need to get in shape." She breathed out as she sat down on one of the the chairs. I was about to go to Felicity when a red blur came into the room slumping into the medical bed. Caitlin was quick to check on his injuries.

"It's still numb." Barry complained as Caitlin continued to examine his frostbit burns.

"It's presenting itself like third degree frostbite." Caitlin said giving her diagnosis on the severity of his injuries.

"I thought he had hyper healing." Felicity's concerned voice came from the back of the room.

"It's been slowed. If your cells weren't regenerating at the rate they are, your blood vessels would have frozen solid and the nerve damage would have been permanent." Caitlin continued answering Felicity's question. "You're lucky to be alive."

"Snart wasn't another meta-human. He has some kind of gun." Barry informed as he showered his shirt, all the S.T.A.R LAbs workers shifted imcomforably as we all realized what exactly was going on. "It froze things, slowed me down. Enough that I wasn't in time to save someone."

"According to his record, Snart didn't even bother to finish high school, so how did he build a handheld high tech snow machine?" Felicity read off, of the file that she pulled up.

"S.T.A.R. Labs built the cold gun." Dr. Wells admitted, Barry turned around and looked at each of us in shock.

"These guys had nothing to do with this." Cisco revealed guilt written all over his face. "I built the gun."

"You did? Why?" Barry still couldn't seem to wrap his mind around the whole situation.

"Because speed and cold are opposites." Cisco said beginning to give his explanation on how the gun works. "Temperature is measured by how quickly the atoms of something are oscillating.The faster they are, the hotter it is, and when then are cold, they're slower on the atomic level. When there's no movement at all, it's called..."

"Absolute zero." Barry finished off understanding what the weapon was designed to do.

"I designed a compact cryo engine to achieve absolute zero. I built it to stop you." Cisco fully admitted, I looked over at Barry who seemed completely hurt over the confession. "I didn't know who you were then, Barry. I mean, what if you turned out to be some psycho, like Mardon or Nimbus?"

"But I didn't. Did I?" Barry stated, his expression mixed with hurt and anger. I noticed that Felicity wasn't taking part of this conversation, which I just assumed was because she felt that it wasn't her place.

"We built the entire structure you're standing in to do good, and it blew up." Caitlin countered Barry's claim.

"Barry you have to understand why Cisco just wanted to be prepared." I said defending Cisco, who was only being cautious.

"I can understand that, but what I can't understand is why you didn't tell me what you did." Barry I mean, after all we've been through, I thought you trusted me."

"I thought we were friends." Barry began to raise his voice.

"We are, Barry."

"I mean, if you would have just told me, I could have been prepared. But instead, someone died tonight."

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