30| Stress

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"Wow you seem tense." Thea commented as we walked outside to throw away the trash. Having been working the last couple of days at Verdant had allowed be to get closer to Thea, considering that we have never been very close it was refreshing to talk to someone who wasn't deep inside of this world.

"Probably because I am." I replied throwing the plastic bag into the trash bin.

"I know what can help you with that." She replied putting her hands on her hips. And from the look on her face in knew I was going to be in for a real treat, as most of anything that Thea usually said was unexpected and out of line. 

"Oh please tell me what Thea Queen does to relieve stress." I said sarcastically as I turned the door knob to get back inside.

"Sex." She stated and I quickly shut the door and looked at her wide eyed.

"What?" I asked wanting to make sure I heard her correctly.

"You heard me." Thea said with a smile on her face. "Have little fun. Get a little drunk. Trust me works every time."

"You can't be serious." I brushed of quickly, but one look at her face told me that she was. "I did not need to know that much about your sex life."

"What are friends for?"

I laughed as I looked around to make sure no one was actually hearing this. "Okay say I did take this into consideration, who would I possibly get involved with in that way?"

"You literally work at a night club where you get hit on by like every guy." She told me, and it made me wonder if this was a joke or something she actually did. "Trust me there's enough guys willing to do you that favor."

"I am not going to have sex with a random stranger." I said lowering my voice, afraid that someone would over hear this ridiculous conversation.

"Then it doesn't have to be a stranger."

"No, anyone that I know...it's to awkward to even think about it." I said bring to erase all thoughts of possibly being that intimate with any of the men in my life.

"Why are you so complicated?" Thea concluded with a groan. "How long has it been since you've had sex?" Her question left me completely speechless,  considering the answer was to painful to remember.  "Oh my god! No way! How have you not..."

"Shh...someone's going to hear you." I told her in a stern voice.

"Good maybe they'll volunteer." Thea replied with a smirk on her face.

"Okay we are definitely ending this conversation, like right now." I said quickly as I opened the door and lightly pushed her though it.

"Oh come on, at least give it some thought." Thea said in a hushed tone.

"I did, and it's just not going to happen." I told her and just when she was about to reply Roy came towards us.

"Diane I ahh...need to talk to you." Roy said at a lose of words and I turned towards Thea who only waved her hand.

"Go, but you better come back." She said in a warning tone, because it happened more than she would like. 

I began to walk towards the hideout with Roy when he stopped in front of me. "So sex huh...where do I sign up?" He joked and I gave him a straight face as I punched him in the shoulder.

"Never mention that conversation ever again. It was truly horrifying. " I warned as we walked inside the hideout where everyone was impatiently waiting.

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