09| You Take My Breath Away

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"Fascinating, a meta-human that can manipulate poison gas." Dr. Wells exclaimed from Barry's recent declaration. I leaned against the railing next to Joe as the members of Team Flash started carting around the room in excitement.

"Is it just poisonous gas, or can he control all aerated substances?" Caitlin asked as she looked up from her tablet."And how is he able to formulate the connection?"

"This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances." Dr. Wells informed the possibility of how he harnessed his powers.

"That is ridiculously cool." Cisco commented, and I smiled at the fact that back in Starling our Team would have never acted this way towards out villain of the week. Somehow Starling always had a gloomy feeling and Felicity was somehow the only person who could make the worst situation seem a little better.

"They get really excited about this stuff." Barry stated because of Joe's amused expression.

"How about you, you're not excited about this stuff?" Joe asked me since I was standing next to him witnessing my co workers geek out.

"More amazed than excited." I said, since in all honest I was still trying to grasp this whole meta-human situation. I've witnessed some pretty crazy things, but people with superhuman powers was definitely on a whole other category of crazy.

"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars." Joe stated, wanting to get this situation sorted out as soon as possible. "Except Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to handle meta-humans."

"Then I guess it's fortunate the ones you've encountered so far are no longer with us." Dr. Wells commented, but I was slightly shocked this how he said it practically void of emotion. I dismissed any suspicious thoughts.

"Well, unless we're planning on executing every super criminal we stop, you geniuses are gonna have to come up with someplace else to hold them." Joe said looking at everyone in the room with a stern eye, meaning he wanted this done immediately.

"You mean meta-human prison." I clarified, remembering Oliver's prison on Lian Yu.

"Sweet." Cisco practically shrieked from excitement.

"Until we figure a way to remove their powers. There is one place here that might hold them." Cisco insinuated, and judging from Caitlin's shocked reaction I figured that it involved something that ran deep.

"You can't be serious." She replied in complete disbelief. "I mean, we haven't been down there since the ...It's cordoned off."

"It could be modified to act as a makeshift prison." Dr. Wells agreed with Cisco's plan, whatever that could be.

"What could?" Barry asked the question that was also running through my mind.

"The particle accelerator." Dr. Wells finally clarified, and Caitlin seemed lost in thought with just the mention of the accelerator. "Caitlin. We're going down to the accelerator ring."

"Actually, Dr. Wells, I could use Caitlin's help identifying the poison gas." Barry saved Caitlin after noticing her hesitation to go down there. "If that's okay with you?"

"Let's go. Diane can you come too." Caitlin replied quickly gathering her belongings, I was about to follow Dr. Wells and Cisco, but decided against it. I was curious about what the particle accelerator looked like, but clearly Caitlin wanted me to tag along.

"Okay let's go." I said pulling my keys out of my bag head heading out of Cortex.


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