45| Rising Questions

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"I sent Sherry to the movies." Joe announced as he entered the living room while Cisco and I finished setting up the equipment.

"Trust me, the best show in town is going to be in here tonight." Cisco exclaimed as he turned on the machine.

"So you're telling me you can get actual photographs from this thing?" Joe asked a little skeptical about the plan.

"The science confirms it. It works exactly like an old film camera." I confirmed as I let Cisco finish.

"I developed the mirror backing, and fortunately for us, the lightning went off about ten times that night." Cisco continued to explain.

"Multiple exposures." Joe said.

"Now you're getting it. I went ahead and enhanced them digitally and, just for kicks, decided to extrapolate a 3-D hologram from the original 2-D. Lights." Cisco said as Joe turned off the living room lights. 'Camera. Action."

Suddenly a holographic image appeared at the center of the room. My eyes widened at the sight of a frightened Nora Allen being surrounded by two blurs circling her. Cisco quickly went through all the frames that were available.

"Can you play it again? Slower?" Joe asked. "There, there. You see that?" He said as he pointed to the other side of the room where a red splatter was visible on the wall. He immediately went over to it as Cisco and I followed. "This wallpaper's new."

Joe immediately ripped of the wallpaper and underneath was a dried splatter of blood. "Oh, man. Is that blood?" Cisco asked as he took a closer look.

"We had a husband who was holding the same weapon that killed his wife. We weren't looking for any other suspects." Joe explained as he looked at the blood splatter across the wall. "That blood belongs to one of the two speedsters that was here that night. Maybe the one that killed Nora."

"I'll get a sample kit." I said slowly.


We were sitting around Barry's lab as we waited for the results of the blood sample that we collected. I started playing around with a pencil I found on Barry's desk when my phone began to ring. "Diane it's Barry." Cisco in formed as he looked at my phone that was on the table.

"Let it ring." I told him and when the rising stopped it started again a few seconds later.

"It's Barry again." Cisco informed but he let the rising die out until it started again. "Okay you know what I'm answering the damn thing."

"Go ahead." I told him as he picked up my phone.

"Hey man." Cisco greeted. "Yes she's with me." He replied as he leaned against the table. "What are we doing you ask? Well definitely not what you're thinking." Joe began to chuckle beside me and I immediately snatched the phone away from Cisco.

"Hey Barry." I said as I walked over to the corner.

"Diane, where have you been? I've been calling you." Barry asked. "Why did Cisco answer your phone?"

"Because I was busy so I let him answer it." I replied even though it was a total lie.

"What are you guys doing? I mean...I know there's something you aren't telling me." he continued suspiciously.

"I can't..."

"So are we keeping secrets again?" Barry continued in a tone that surprise me. "Because you and Cisco have been off doing who know what..."

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