29| No Way Out

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"Sister I hope with what I'm about to inform you of, you feel no hate towards me." Nyssa said as we walked into a warehouse that was heavily guarded by members of the league.

"I could never hate you Nyssa." I told her truthfully. Although she was in a part of my life I wished to forget I still learned to care for her like a sister.

Nyssa like Talia had always been extremely loyal to their father, and maybe I couldn't be loyal to him in return because his blood was not running through my veins. Even when Talia departed it was only due to the fact that Ra's did not accept her as the next in line because she was a woman. In return she left to find a man worthy enough to produce a male heir, to this day she has not returned. Nyssa being the last daughter by Ra's side, although she did not share the same ruthlessness that Talia did. "As you are aware of Oliver Queen was given the task of brining Sara's killer to justice and he has failed..."

"I know and we are working on it." I defended as we stopped in the middle of the candle lit warehouse.

"You also know that our father has low tolerance for these actions. You are lucky he has given Oliver this much time to dig out Sara's killer. And yet he has failed." Nyssa explained and I nodded my head in understanding. "All of this could have been avoided if Oliver had not sworn to keep Malcom Merlyn under his protection."

"I know, but Oliver is sure that Merlyn is innocent." I continued to defend even if it was not a statement that I believed myself. 

"And are you? Sister, Merlyn must be stopped." She told me and I couldn't agree more, but I knew I wouldn't agree with her methods of seeking justice. "If you and I join forces we are sure to take him down."

"I'm not a killer anymore Nyssa."

"There is still a killer inside you. And that was proven today." Nyssa said further reminding me of the life I was just about to take. 

"I know, but that does not mean I should let that side of me out again." I replied softly. When I first came to Starling I swore never to take another's life that was until Oliver came back. When I first joined him I killed once, and the guilt took over and I haven't done it again and I plan to keep it that way. "Anyway we don't know if it was truly Merlyn who killed Sara."

"Merlyn has killed both of our beloveds, how can you possibly want him to live?" She asked me clearly frustrated with my decisions.

"Trust me I want to see him dead as much as you do." I told her, and I did. But I also knew that it wasn't the right thing to do. "But Merlyn's death will not bring them back."

That was a thought that I constantly have had to keep reminding myself of. That Malcom Merlyn's blood would not bring back Daniel and would not release me of the guilt I felt for his death. That I blamed myself more than I did Merlyn. 

"But it will be satisfying to have their killer brought to justice." She countered, and although I didn't know if it was true or not a part of me wanted to see that happen.

"That's not what he would have wanted." I said softly. "He wouldn't want me to go down that road. And Sara wouldn't either."

"You still love him, that is clear." Nyssa said with a sad look in her eyes, but it wasn't completely true. In the end I cared for him deeply. But it was not love. "As I still love Sara. I wish I could see things the way you do, but I must see her killer is brought to justice."

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