13| The Ultimate Decision

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The next morning I woke up early to help Diggle craft more tranq arrows with Roy. After my discussion with Oliver on why he didn't capture Merlyn when he had the opportunity to I was in no mood to continue arguing with him about the subject.

"Where's Oliver?" Nyssa asked as she came into the bunker.

"Out, taking care of some family business." Dig informed as he handed my the chemicals for me to mix.

"As if there weren't more pressing matters at hand." She replied bitterly.

"He's not doing nothing." Roy defended as he set a tray on the table. I rested my head on Roy's shoulder, not wanting to get back into this discussion. "He tracked down Merlyn last night."

"Did he kill him?" Nyssa asked hopefully, when by this point she should already know that Oliver doesn't kill anymore.

"No." Oliver replied as he entered the hideout. "He swore to me he didn't kill Sara."

"And you know all of his words are lies." Nyssa attempted to assure him, I can't explain how Oliver I still willing to trust Merlyn after everything he has done.

"I believe him." I sighed at Oliver's certainty, he glanced at me realizing my irritated state. I bet a part of him knew how unreasonable and trusting he was of this situation. "Because he swore to me non his daughter's life."

"We had heard rumors Merlyn fathered another child." Nyssa said as she began to pace around the room deep in thought. "We couldn't confirm them. You know who it is."

"I do." Oliver replied bluntly, Nyssa turned around and she stepped closer to Oliver who didn't seem fazed by her proximity. Dig, Roy and I stood in silence as we watched how this scene was playing out.

"If you put me through the effort of finding out on my own I might have to exact a price from whoever it is you're protecting."

"My sister is Merlyn's daughter." Oliver admitted knowing that Nyssa would go through with her threats, I felt Roy stiffen behind me at the mention of Thea being involved in this mess. "And that is the reason he came back to Starling City. Because she did. He's protecting her."

"And that is why you spared Merlyn." She replied mostly to herself as realization suddenly hit her. "Twice!"

"It had nothing to do with that." Oliver defended. "He explained to me...in his own twisted way...That he loves her."

And then he swore to me on her life.

"And I swore an oath of my own. That I would see sara's killer brought to justice." She declared before she stormed out of the room, I knew that she was going to do everything possible to ensure that Merlyn's crimes would be punished. It brought a since of relief knowing what Merlyn would be brought down.

"Nyssa, Nyssa!" Oliver called after her angerly.

"Oliver, wait." Dig called out husband voice stopping Oliver from going after her.

"We need to stop her!"

"Do we?" Dig asked as he stood in Oliver's way, preventing him to go after Nyssa. Out of any of us it has always been Felicity and Dig who have been able to reason with Oliver even in his most stubborn state. "Listen, I understand why you can't kill Merlyn. All of the reasons. Maybe he killed Sara, maybe he didn't."

"He didn't." Oliver repeated as he gritted his teeth together in frustration.

"You sound so sure, but Merlyn always has a trick up his sleeve." I said as I stepped towards Oliver who only seemed to get angrier by the second.

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