57| Why Bees?

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I woke to the sight of Barry staring right at me causing me to groan. "You're staring."

"I'm taking in how beautiful you are." Barry replied as he ran a hand through my probably tangled hair.

"Well its creepy." I stated as I closed my eyes again.

"You know most girls would find it romantic." He told me as he ran his thumb across my bottom lip. Knowing there was no way that I would be able to go back to sleep I sat and stretched. Barry put his hands on my waist as he pulled me on top of him. "Last night was..."

"Amazing." I finished as I but my lip as an attempt to stop me from smiling like an idiot.

"There are no words to describe it." Barry corrected, he put his hand on my cheek about to kiss me. I pulled away at the last second an climbed of the bed.

"I'm going to shower." I informed him as I began to walk towards the bathroom.

"Is that an invitation?" Barry asked with a goofy smile on his face.

"Nope." I assured before I shut the bathroom door. After the shower I stepped back into the room to find Barry asleep again. I looked at the time and realized that he was late for work again. "Barry!" I yelled causing him to shoot up from the bed in a panic. "You're late for work...again."

"What?" He asked turning towards the alarm clock on the bed side table. I felt as a rush of wind moved past me and then the sound of the shower turning of and on before a fully dressed Barry was standing infant of me.

"Your shirts on backwards." I told him as he struggled to take it off and then put it back on the correct way.

"Okay, I'll see you at S.T.A.R. Labs okay?" Barry asked a little out of breath. I nodded as he leaned in to press his lip against mine. "I love you." He said before he was out of the room within a second.

"Love you too." I said sitting down on the bed.


"Death by apitoxin." Caitlin informed as she looked at the results from this mornings case.

"Honeybee venom." Dr. Wells clarified.

"Bees. Why did it have to be bees?" Cisco exclaimed as he began to pace around the room. "Y'all, I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees."

"But when a honeybee stings, the stingers are literally torn from their abdomen, and they die." I said since some facts just weren't adding up.

"But there were no stingers in the body and no dead bees in the car." Barry added catching on to what I was saying.

"A honeybee can only deposit . 1 milligrams of apitoxin when it releases its stinger." Caitlin informed.

"And yet, Ms. Kang was found with enough venom in her system to kill a herd of elephants." Dr. Wells added. "It appears not only is a meta-human controlling these bees but also increasing their toxicity."

"Bees communicate by releasing pheromones." Barry informed deep in thought. "Maybe this meta's controlling them through secretion? "

"Anyone want to join me in getting a beekeeper suit?" Cisco commented clearly uncomfortable with us having to deal with bees.

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