07| Meta-humans

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As I stepped out of Jitters I felt I rush of wind hit me, the force made me stumble, but I was too focused on the fact that I looked like I got attacked by a tornado to care. I stepped into my car pissed off at the world and attempted to fix myself as I drove to S.TA.R Labs. I parked in the abandoned parking lot and picked the lock at the gate and made my way to the building.

"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs." I heard a female voice command as I walked towards the entrance of what I assume is the Cortex of the building. "Now."

I had my resume in my arms, but for some unexplainable reason I felt nervous. Oliver sent me her to do a job and if I did't get into this team I failed my own. When I stepped into the room I was met with two pairs of shocked eyes. From the information of the background check Felicity did for me I could only guess that they were Caitlin Snow and Francisco Ramon.

"Who are you?" The brunette said in an unwelcoming tone.

"Yeah, who are you?" Asked a guy with shoulder length hair as he approached me with a giant smile on his face.

"Well, I'm Diane Crock thanks for asking." I said rather sarcastically before I even processed the thought.

"How did you get through the gate?" The not so friendly woman asked.

"Who cares? As long as she's here." The guy asked standing in front of me with a flirtatious smirk. Then he bowed and stuck his hand out, and I took attempting not to laugh at the gesture. As he looked up at me he kissed my hand in a playfully. "I'm Cisco, Cisco Ramon."

"Nice to meet you Cisco." I said slowly pulling my hand back.

"Why are you here." The woman asked in a more forceful tone.

"I'm here to apply for a job." I said in the friendliest tone I could manage.

"We don't have any job openings."

"Really? Cause it looks like there are many available positions." I said looking around at the practically abandoned building.

"Your hired." I turned around to see a man in a wheelchair entering the room.

"We don't know anything about her." The same brunette replied in shock.

"I know everything that I need to know. Diane Crock graduated from Starling City University at top of her class. Majoring in chemistry and physics. She became the head of the applied sciences unit of Queen Consolidated until it recently had a change in ownership." As Dr. Wells retold my educational history I feared how much he knew about me.

"How do you know all..."

"I keep an eye out for great minds like yourself." He said without letting me finish my question. "Thats how I recruited many of my employees."

"Wow, well it's an honor Dr.Wells." I said as I walked over to shake his hand. As I did I felt a familiar rush of wind file the room. I quickly turned around in time to see a red streak come to a stop. My jaw practically hit the ground in shock as I saw Barry in a crimson colored suit in the middle of the room. Although Oliver told me what happened I didn't really believe him til now.

"Diane?" Barry said with a laugh as he walked up to me and gave me a tight hug. He was completely oblivious to the fact that he just gave away his secret identity. "What are you doing here?"

"Did you just...how did you...what's going on?!" I mumbled at a loss of words.

"Miss Crock is our new S.T.A.R Labs employee." Dr. Wells informed as he wheeled closer to us.

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