|25| Twenty Seconds

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"Iwaizumi, just put those away and you're done for the day," Iwaizumi's manager tells him as he points at the gym's equipment of where he works. Iwaizumi follows his order as it is his job. He works, as part time, at a gym. He put the equipment his his manager told him and heads to the back to get ready and head home.

As he does, he walks past a glass window which shows a huge gymnastic room. There's some people but most of them are getting reading to leave. Oikawa just takes a look and he was going to leave until he spotted a familiar face.

It was Ena. She was on the training high bar. She was doing some flips and it just looked very impressive. Iwaizumi couldn't look away. She just looked like a total different person. She was wearing a normal tight shirt with leggings and was wearing something around her hands which Iwaizumi thought it what she uses to be able to flip around the bars.

He didn't know how long he was standing there, just watching her. He shakes his head and tells himself to forget it. Yes, he admits that he may have some feelings for the female but he knows it's never going to work out.

She seems as sweet, kind, fun, outgoing and just the average kind of girl that anyone would love to have as a girlfriend but she has a secret which he knows. She's a sadist, a dom/top and just the opposite of what she shows. It would never work out, Iwaizumi tells himself. He gets his things and just gets ready to leave. Once he has everything, he heads to the exit but heading there, there's a door that leads to the gymnastic. His body just moves on it's own. He couldn't help himself.

But he also knows that her being who she is is not the only reason that's stopping him from being with her.

He opens the door and sees a young girl and her mother walking out, he holds the door open for them. They thanked him and went home. Iwaizumi walks in, this would be the first time he has been here.

He didn't know Ena was here. He wondered if she cames here often. He has been working at the gym for a month now but never really paid much attention to the gymnastic side of the building until now. A part of him wondered if she knew that he was here.

He wonders how she could move her body like that and just flip in the air and catch the bars. He knows this sport and he knows that there needs to be someone to watch her incase she falls but there was no one.

He watches her do a flip which looks very impressive but then she looks like her face was going to hit the lower bar which scared Iwaizumi.

"Ena!" Iwaizumi was going to yell out her name worriedly but someone beat him to it. He then notices a young girl who seem to be at the age of twelve or less. She was the one who yelled out Ena's name worriedly when Ena did the trick, "Are you crazy?" she ask her.

"What? I landed it, didn't I?" Ena says back as she applies more powdered chalk on her grips that are on her hands.

"That's a banned move! It's not like you can even use it! You could have lost your head! You could have broken your back! You could have hurt yourself!" the little girl lectures.

"The Korbut Flip is dangerous, yes. I get that but if I can master it and perform it, it can impress," Ena argues.

"You'll be disqualified," the little girl says back.

"Find, then I'll work on performing the Produnova," Ena says as she heads away from the bar to another particular place in the gym.

"No! You need someone to be here to watch you! It could kill you if you don't land it right!" the girl argues as she runs and stands in front of Ena.

"You're here," Ena says.

"I'm thirteen, Ena, please," she says and Ena sighs.

Iwaizumi didn't really understand the conversation. He doesn't know much about gymnastics but seeing what Ena could do was impressive and she is as flexible as she said she was but another thing that Iwaizumi wondered about was the little girl. Who was she.

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